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Posts posted by Xigfrid

  1. @Chronocidal the angle is the same as the original supers, I made the upper leg portion almost 100% just like the original so the bare legs would have exactly the same angle. It looks more angled though because the supers are sleeker (more like a cone) than classical super parts. 

    Actually the strength of WSF was welcome here because I modeled the inner spring mechanism to lock the VF-1 tabs so I use both friction and flex that only plastic / nylon can give, not resin. 

    @wmkjr followed your recommendations but I couldn't find the white in the shop so I will have to order it. BUT I almost like the red cap look of it now. And also removed the white paint one the legs and in light grey they look canon too! 

    I can call it Hikaru's VF-1X++ until i change it again



  2. I have been trying to make a few layers of white wash on these, probably I can try to add some red in it. 

    I think I will give a try to the ts-27 first then probably the easiest way is to have the head and rear leg parts to be a light grey instead of white

  3. Ho... nice little thing! 

    I have a question, generally for white i would stick with the White fine Primer as base and apply 2 gloss coat and call it a day. Unfortunately I am trying to color match the somewhat bright and pinkish white from yamato/Arcadia and found that the primer color is more in the yellowish compared to that white. 

    I was wondering if I should go with Tamiya Ts-27 or this one will not be as near as VF-1 white? Or if I should reprint the whole Vf-1 in white primer...

  4. If it cannot be removed perhaps it can be masked. If this is a top coat issue, perhaps by spraying an acrylic satine coat over the whole part would make it disappear ? 

  5. What mechamaniac said. Except that with SLS you don't have support so the bottom face is as nice/stepped as the top face. 

    SLS will have stepping marks every 0.2 mm vertically approximately even if the horizontal resolution can be much higher. 

  6. In general wsf polished would be smoother and have a better finish, but as a designer I prefer to order the classic wsf and polish manually to see the issues beforehand. 

    Black Hi-Def acrylate is promising, but I have yet to make a model to be printed in this material... I tried a few of my model already and they have been rejected because of the sprues. It should be good for the missiles but the price is too much (about 3x of wsf)

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