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Everything posted by Xigfrid

  1. There are impressive skills and patience involved in these designs wm cheng!
  2. I use Fredo6 addons to help drawing curved surfaces, if you don't know these, I highly recommend! They are buggy with some settings and parameters but once you got a working setting, it becomes really handy. And never forget to save before !
  3. Waiting for the end of this project, Pengbuzz's projects always end with a surprise ! In the mean time, I rushed a bit this to complete the head since I already have an order to print so I plan to save on shipping, and test the new HP nylon print material!
  4. Nice! I also noticed that the tabs were a bit too tight on my PaCSWS-1G. So I have slightly reduced the thickness on the model now (0.1mm just to tell) Color wise, seriously white is too hard to color match, I just gave up on my VF-1X++ and went with different shades of gray. Just prime it with Tamiya grey primer, then heat up a white primer spray and spray from a 50 - 80 cm distance a very light mist of white primer over it. Repeat the white until you got too different grey shades and finish it with a gloss coat TS-13. You also have the AS spray cans, with military aircraft colors, but grey primer is cheap and ok!
  5. Made up the PaCSWS-2C variant today, it was trickier than expected because it is not vertically symmetrical. Since I have access to the Black HP Strong and Flexible beta test, I will order a couple of these in this material and see what this HP printer is all about I have put the 2C next to the 1G variant for size comparison.
  6. Basically there is the new SLS-like 3D printer HP4200, which prints nylon12 like WSF, but with a smoother and almost gloss finish (marketing speech that I must verify though). And second is their new "smoothing" technic which looks really great from the pictures and it is available on a few materials like Black HP strong and flexible. All these features are in beta test phase right now anyway.
  7. Welcome back Kurisama, thanks to new pricing on FUD and the new HP printer at Shapeways and the new smoothing method, I am pretty exited with the future 3D products. Did you had time to try the new features at Shapeways ? I will soon order a few parts just to test the new finish
  8. Thanks for the update, making so many painted kits is an achievement itself.
  9. There are a lot of new finished projects! They all came nice. And the paintings skills are always bluffing. Derex i feel sorry for your atat, looks like it can be used for a diorama without second thoughts. Perhaps a Rogue One theme? david you are lucky! Anubis are the red bits canon near the exhaust canon?
  10. I don't know either, sometime ago I tried to contact him ro ask if he could enable WSF for this project but received no answer yet
  11. Arcadia continues to make bad moves ... Seriously first they make advertisement for KO copies so everybody knows they are arond the corner, and now they say that they are putting a stamp so we can differentiate the original to the copy, so basically they say that the copy will be almost identical to their version ?!
  12. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    @Saburo as beautiful shots as always. When is your Macross book coming out ?! I am in for a couple at least The more I see it, the more I dislike the "standard" back pack for these 31, and I was looking again at Macross Delta TV episodes, and I found that in EP06 time lapse 14m55s the 31A-Delta 01 also got this standard "Gun+charging drone" combo instead of the sexy "Gun + missiles" back pack... That makes me anxious that we won't have the 31A standard backpack anytime soon. I hope we at least have the Sound pack!
  13. I don't have one of these but if you have the necessary measurements, the part can be easily done. Iif you can drill a 1mm hole in the remaining bit of the antenna that can avoid the complete opening. But if not, I'm afraid that you will need to open the head to remove the old bit and replace it. Edit.
  14. I know this bad feeling when you find a dust just in the middle of a flat fresh paint...! derex, so many TS blue cans there, I would love to know which one was used for which model! For my VF-1X++, I had some time to put some red accents, cut the tail fins before painting. I also began to work on the chest plates. The one in the pictures are not final of course, I plan to make longer ones.
  15. "Ghost in the shell" the movie has been recently released in theatres
  16. That's great! I just hope people won't say this is a GITS cosplay!
  17. Lucky her arbit! NZEOD, your paint schemes are always surprising.
  18. The FUD price reduction took effect this morning and I was almost shocked by it. The prices were almost halved. I have put all the missiles with the FUD option. The pylons will always need the strength and flex of WSF though.
  19. @Chronocidal the angle is the same as the original supers, I made the upper leg portion almost 100% just like the original so the bare legs would have exactly the same angle. It looks more angled though because the supers are sleeker (more like a cone) than classical super parts. Actually the strength of WSF was welcome here because I modeled the inner spring mechanism to lock the VF-1 tabs so I use both friction and flex that only plastic / nylon can give, not resin. @wmkjr followed your recommendations but I couldn't find the white in the shop so I will have to order it. BUT I almost like the red cap look of it now. And also removed the white paint one the legs and in light grey they look canon too! I can call it Hikaru's VF-1X++ until i change it again
  20. Strangely artificial light reduces a lot the issue...
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