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Everything posted by Xigfrid

  1. Pengbuzz if you can paint these little planes with the glow in the dark, they will pop nicely!
  2. Time is rare here, but I could have some for the Octo, Focusing on the main body before going with the legs... A lot of anime magic everywhere in this Octo!
  3. Ok now, what about an extreme limited edition of a VF-1S Premium Finish equipped with a grey visor and black ears with antennas ?
  4. It could be done, but why making a 3D printed set that would cost more than the current one? And it would require preparation and painting on top of that?
  5. And that scalpers are going to scalp!
  6. As said before, I would gladely have the same perfect Arcadia white plastic used on their VF-0S for the future VF-1 releases ... Comon!
  7. the KO stuff for Macross looks very rare or only in a limited run quantity for the moment, nothing like the KO transformers
  8. Yeah ... I have been restraining myself to not buy all these Starcraft 1:60 figures to display with my Macross. I have played so much Starcraft that would be mixing two passions together
  9. Hi Bluprint, I came recently across winup scale model shop on shapeways, and you probably can ask this designer if he can make these figures for you. Since he made a few Frontier figures in 1:60 I guess he will know about Hikaru and Minmay for your VF-1D.
  10. Since that's probably true, II just can't remember that they were that expensive at release... no wonder why Arcadia can't sell many of these. No matter what are the reasons they have for these prices, they can't seam to be reasonable.
  11. Why? I didn't have much thoughts about that but let's say that Hakuna met lady M at the early stages of the "Mikuno clones" experiments and after embrassing M ideology he decided to retire from the races and to take care of the clones (just like Ozma) but because he was so popular he had to lie about his true identity. And from that and the mikumo developments, creation of the Walkure, of course he would want to stay closer to the other future/later Mikumo clones. By sequel, I meant some new alternate/new content to delta story via a Delta movie just like the frontier movies did resurrect Michael or how Alto choose Sheryl over Ranka.
  12. @pengbuzz you can also have more phosphorescent colors for cheap if you buy the Body paint in small tubes, they work great and come with a lot of different hues
  13. Pengbuzz, the arms came nice, Arbit is this motorized yet? Both of you I admire that white paint work... last time I tried white I failed so hard ;P
  14. I admit there is a 4 years offset between the two characters. Hakuna is supposed to be 28 y. old in 2058, that means that he was 16 when assigned to SVF-473 in 2046. In 2067 Hakuna is 37 when Arad is only 33. But well Arad would be 4years too young to be Hakuna, except if he also changed his aged together with is name. But yeah I am with when you say that they are supposed to be 2 different characters with different stories. But who knows when we get a delta sequel!?
  15. I understand your reasoning, and although your reasons seems reasonnable, I feel that there is more than a coincidence in the fact that they look so much alike. I will need to look into the dates and the story of both characters (although I barely know about Aoba) and try to cook something that could explain it.
  16. quick and cheap replacements are always better than 3D printing!
  17. Hum I don't see the issue in 2059, this is also the end of the war between Vajra/ Galaxy and Macross Frontier. Since Delta begins at 2067, it gives some time for Hakuna to meet Immelman senior before he drops the dimensionnal bomb in Windermer in 2060. Then Hakuna could be enrolled in the NUNS under Ernest Johnson comand, changes his name to Arad and meets Grammier Nerich (Heinz father) during the pilot teaching program.
  18. I was looking twice and comparing the ages vs the time frames of The Ride, Frontier vs Macross Delta. When then asked myself "What if Akuna Aoba IS actually Arad Mölders in Frontier Delta ? "
  19. I got a few ideas how to improve the current mold: -improve the feet shape in battroid -larger hands, better shape (bandais hands are much better) -remove this fakin metal hips bar and make another mechanism -better rear landing gears -integrated side cover -rotating chair -one more rotation axis at the hips for the feet -one more rotation axis at the nose level
  20. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I snipped open the arm cover to see if it hides a missile attachment or else that could handle two Reaction missiles. Sadely there was nothing such a complex hidden mechanism, just plain plastic.
  21. A question though... what does it take to put 3 landing gears to the fan racer?!
  22. Congrats for this fan racer, Anubis really made a beauty out of it!
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