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Everything posted by Xigfrid

  1. You just light the hope in me! Think of that these 3rd party manufacturers such as Wei Jiang could just make oversized (1:60) versions of the HMM toys and I would be an happy pig!
  2. Looking great arbit! @pengbuzz did you handbrush the white also? Because if I were you I would have used the white primer and keep it as is
  3. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    If you refer to vf-31 stations, the AMM-101 come in a 18-pack. You can fill a lot of slots with this pack. You can use them with only triple pylons (they come in a pack of 4 pylons) and fill stations 1,2A, 4A and 5. For a total of 12 missiles onboard . You also use them with the dedicated pack of AMM-101 pylons and fill the stations 1,2a,2B,4A,4B and 5. 18 missiles on one bird.
  4. It really brings details to the higher level. Do you have a dedicated camera too?
  5. Playing Tetris with macross toy boxes!
  6. I would love this too. New molds (not the entire VF-1 molds) for the nose and nose cover on the 2-seaters "VF-1D". VT-1 and VE-1 molds are just fine imho
  7. I want to buy one, but I don't even know what to do with it ... or on which VF-0 it would be displayed.
  8. I am happy for you to hear that you had less time for your hobby, sad for us since the projects will go slower, but enjoy your time!
  9. Probably using metallic paint is less forgiving than glossy or matte ones. But yes, there are issues with either or both print lines and laziness.
  10. My drying bench, this metallic blue is gorgeous, but my paint job is meh... and I just keep forgetting to let the gloss coat dry for at least 24h before assembly. Luckily the paint chips are small and in the insides. The VF-1x++ also got some gunmetal accents on the wings and nose to complete the look. It holds well the gunpods for a speed racer
  11. I have a try to the painting, it is pretty and shinny
  12. Just made these 0B markings for the VF-0B SPW version (based on Hasegawa decals upscaled to fit 1:60 scale) They are in PDF / vector format so they can be eventually processed to be made as water decals. link to download
  13. I am coming back to this thread, because couldn't get these beauties out of my head. Once again, nice job on these !
  14. I think you already won the title of coolest dad on earth from your kids
  15. That was a long shot though but I am sure the result will worth it a thousand times (and hopefully we will be forgiven for the late delivery)
  16. Hey pengbuzz, not only the kit looks great, but you got real talents with drawing, I could swear that The Hikaru face was a screenshot from the original tv show !
  17. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It was pretty easy to make in fact. I used a very stiff 0.6mm steel wire, torn it around the pylon, then I put some nail polish on the wire to stick small cotton bits on it. Spray the cotton with a little black primer, then the red accent on the tip And done.
  18. Xigfrid

    Hi-Metal R

    They look so kool together !
  19. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Made some wires and cotton addons today: missiles attacks!
  20. Thank you so much for your inputs, Mikeszekeli I will have a look at your review but thanks to your summary I know that I will look closer at both Tou worlds and FansToys ones now.
  21. Guys, I need some advices about the GCreations Shuraking Dinobot combiner: After watching Transformers : The last knight, I really want to buy the best dinobots available, and that's when looking for a great Grimock that I came accross that Shuraking combiner. I really love the Combiner look and I am ready to buy them all. But mikeszekely review saying that OP Ex is superior to Gcreation Optimus and that the Gcration have issues tiklles me a bit. Would you think that Gcreations Shuraking Dinobots are great toys? if not the best dinobots out there ?
  22. You can soak some White Spirit in a kitchen paper and gently apply this to the nose to see if the yellowing goes off. I generally do this to "clean" my Yamatos VF-1 and the paint resists well. Surprisingly every time I think that my yamato had yellowed, it was only "yellow dust" that comes from manipulating/transforming the toy and it disappears after a cleaning.
  23. I can't imagine what Bandai smoked when they decided to implement a ball joint for a 180° rotation transformation
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