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Everything posted by Xigfrid

  1. The best seats for the youngest, I like it
  2. I can't wait to see your new display arrangement and pew pew lightings in actions !
  3. That sounds like a great plan, please share your thoughts about the different methods. Unfortunately, I lately tend to apply the "prime and sand it until it looks good enough" rule with with a very high laziness. For instance on this VF-1X++ parts, the hands had only 1 primer layer, the feet had 2 layers. Only the head cap has had something like 5-6 sanding/primer layers because I tried so many white to match the yamato white plastic ...
  4. I am very impressed by the surface detailing and shapes made, but no idea of the figure itself, and google doesn't seem to give me a hint
  5. probably those who are afraid of the pinkish gray SDF1!
  6. Not much news, apart that for those who's wondering how does it look like to work on a transforming model.
  7. I use noname primer for standard or large projects and tamiya primer for my favorite ones. Also as first layer I have had good results using floor vermish: put the parts in a bath of vermish then hang them outside to dry. Once the surface is dry, you can add a primer layer and wait 24h. After the first sanding, the parts should be almost smooth
  8. Did you check @wmkjr the 0B and 0C conversion thread here ? As described there are different greys used in both repaints: VF-0B: AS-16 light grey & AS-20 Insignia white VF-0C: TS-81 Royal light grey & AS-7 Neutral grey
  9. @derex3592 I like the low viz version much better than the "official" schemes. For myself, I hope that Bandai will release the "low viz" version seen in the anime when the delta squadron launched from the deck. Kind of full dark grey theme. @arbit Great use of electronics. Someday when it is so miniaturized that the electronic can be embarked, I must try that.
  10. Thanks for sharing this, now I am thinking of buying the Premium finish because I don't that much of spare time.
  11. It looks like that 100CNY is a preorder price for 1st quarter 2018. And the final price would be 1000CNY. Also, I think that it would be painted since the regult with optional clear parts is cheaper than the other version. I would like to order one but I don't think that a proxy will manage the pre-order things properly. @sh9000 do you know a link to place the pre-order directly from the manufacturer?
  12. Ok, I decided I need one, but painted. Is it even a possibility?
  13. Hi Jenius, would love to have confirmation of the scale too. And let's have some news about the bikes too
  14. Depends if you absolutely want the launch arm or not, but for the same value, you can get a yetistand which is far better as a stand, all the more if you plan to display multiple on a single stand.
  15. And I second @valhary about Arcadia Isamu: best sculpt and painting on a 1:60 pilot ever.
  16. Wmkjr nailed it about the nose thrusters. Since the added propulsion power makes the VF-1 to act more like a missile than a plane, it needs the directional thruster at the nose level to have more directional mobility. All the parts are removable, just like in the novel, the upgrade parts are added on a classic VF-1. Though the aerodynamic is enhanced further with the unique head, with a large front cap, the wings have reinforcements for strength and the tails fins are shorter. I also took closer pictures of the opening/closing flaps.
  17. Hi @valhary thank you for posting your pictures. It gives new perspectives by seeing the same kit in different customers hands. I am looking forward to seeing your progresses.
  18. If it is based on t-Rex work, we gonna love it but I doubt it
  19. A couple months ago I was looking for one, and all listings were too old, out of stock or simply not responding. At least that's what the proxy told me. Le t me know if you come across an active listing.
  20. Don't rush my friend, I am still working on the main body anime magic... I have solved a lot until now and working toward a complete okto now
  21. Thanks Bolt and you are welcome Jasonc. And don't hesitate to ask anything needed if something looks wrong during assembly.
  22. I wanted to present this custom of the VF-1X++ from Macross The Ride. The most notable VF-1X++ is ridden by Akuna AOBA in the story novels "Macross the Ride". The VF-1X++ also known as "double plus" has been produced in limited quantities. Among the special equipment, the most notable upgrades are the dual ELA-3000 thermonuclear turbine engines that have an extreme and powerful output making this VF-1 model very hard to handle. In the novel, the VF-1X++ is illustrated handling an Howard GU-17A (VF-25 gunpod), this is why this custom can store both the GU-17A gunpod and the classic GU-11 (VF-1 gunpod) in fighter mode. All the Shapeways parts are available here. They will need preparing and painting. The assembly instructions are available here. For the complete assembly, you will need a few pins cut to length, six screws flat head M1.7x6mm and two flat head M1.7x10mm And now the pictures (sorry a few clear parts are still not painted and missing)
  23. It really suits well the 1X.
  24. Your eyes are nice, and I know how difficult it is to paint clear parts from behind: this is only at the end, when you seal everything with the metallic coat that will act as a mirror for the previous layers that you know if you have failed or not.
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