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Everything posted by Xigfrid

  1. Just like Mommar said, I don't think the first picture was taken under black light, because it would give a blue/magenta tint to the shoot picture. To obtain such a result, it must have been taken under low light conditions but with a long opening, because the glow paint can't glow like a LED as shown in the picture.
  2. Probably with a hair dryer you can gently heat the top part only and once it's hot, you put it back in its place and it would get back to its good original shape.
  3. I would love to have my hands on the original 3D files that were used to make these papercrafts. That would make customizing the DX Bandai model much easier
  4. I hope there are enough orders for the PF version so that there will be a TV version in Premium Finish in the future. I just can't find a reasonable reason to buy this
  5. Your drone looks deadly spanner One thing about the front top part, normally it should sit just against the black aera, there is a recessed aera where it should go and make the front nose seamless.
  6. It worths a look, let me know if you have better pictures on how the Arcadia version clip locks to the wing.
  7. Hi Jasonc, thanks for the update, and I am eager to see the later one
  8. I am glad they made it up for you. I still can't understand how they can roll back their rules like that.
  9. Seems the USA region is affected, but I had lately someone from the support to who I could explain the issue and looks like they will loosen the rule a bit. Crossing fingers.
  10. Goddamn shapeways ingineers who rejected my sprues because are "only" 1,98mm thick. But when you design a 2mm diameter sprue with sketchup, the tube is faceted and the corners are 2mm far apart but the flat of the faces are only 1,98mm. this is as if they suddenly decided to make the minimum sprue diameter would be 2.1mm instead of 2mm, so most of the previous models will fail now
  11. The VF-0s is stunning, I wonder how much benefit would gain a Vf-0A, considering this later one is really naked compared to the 0S
  12. The solution will take more than a few email exchanges... I will need to give a closer look at both the design and to shapeways "new recommended sprue size".
  13. I will have a ticket to see if this is their system error. But if they really need a new design because of an internal political change, I won't be able to fix it before 2 weeks. Sorry
  14. I saw a rejection notice and couldn't believe it, do you know which shapeways is in charge of your area? USA or Europe?
  15. And then out of nowhere, Bandai will release the Miria VF-9, ala VF-19 Advance! I wish
  16. Don't give cheap excuses to Arcadia, a small mold the size of the dual seat canopy and the nosecone won't ruin them, and would drastically increase their sales by dropping the old 1D value and increasing demand from those who already have the Yamato versions
  17. I love Sivil: so many things were never told but her face expressions or reactions would made it clear. I will be following your progress
  18. That's a nice print, better than what you get from shapeways, where did you get them?
  19. Is that a new Cheyenne II toy? Or the Cheyenne that was featured in the hobby magasin?
  20. That's pretty neat result for a 2-pass process and smoothing Wsf parts. If I can find Mr putty here I should try it and compare it to the Floor vermish method. Just to make sure @Jasonc, do you apply the thick layer with a brush or with bare fingers also?
  21. Nice finish really, I would like to learn more about your putty method, which brand do you use, and how do you apply it?
  22. My last white attempt was to apply a light "white+blue" wash over the entire yamato plastic. Even if it was great for artificial lights, it was not for sun light. So I clean the bluish wash and I applied the red on the cap to test, and I was happy with the red accent. Since then, I bought Tamiya X2 White acrylic to test, but it wasn't better than the Tamiya white fine primer. As suggested to me, I think the best option is to completely cover the VF-1 with a white primer to have all the different parts in the same white. We should ask @chyll2 about its custom VF-1X++ ?
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