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Posts posted by Xigfrid

  1. Goddamn shapeways ingineers who rejected my sprues because are "only" 1,98mm thick. But when you design a 2mm diameter sprue with sketchup, the tube is faceted and the corners are 2mm far apart but the flat of the faces are only 1,98mm. 

    this is as if they suddenly decided to make the minimum sprue diameter would be 2.1mm instead of 2mm, so most of the previous models will fail now

  2. Don't give cheap excuses to Arcadia, a small mold the size of the dual seat canopy and the nosecone won't ruin them, and would drastically increase their sales by dropping the old 1D value and increasing demand from those who already have the Yamato versions

  3. My last white attempt was to apply a light "white+blue" wash over the entire yamato plastic. Even if it was great for artificial lights, it was not for sun light. So I clean the bluish wash and I applied the red on the cap to test, and I was happy with the red accent.

    Since then, I bought Tamiya X2 White acrylic to test, but it wasn't better than the Tamiya white fine primer. As suggested to me, I think the best option is to completely cover the VF-1 with a white primer to have all the different parts in the same white.

    We should ask @chyll2 about its custom VF-1X++ ?

  4. 1 hour ago, spanner said:

    Hey Jason!

    Got to inspect mine last night and I have to say it looks fantastic! Definitely worth the wait! I'll be putting in on display this weekend! I'll have to dig out some missiles for it too!

    Many thanks again for making these! :D :good:

    I can't wait to see your new display arrangement and pew pew lightings in actions !

  5. That sounds like a great plan, please share your thoughts about the different methods. Unfortunately, I lately tend to apply the "prime and sand it until it looks good enough" rule with with a very high laziness.

    For instance on this VF-1X++ parts, the hands had only 1 primer layer, the feet had 2 layers. Only the head cap has had something like 5-6 sanding/primer layers because I tried so many white to match the yamato white plastic ...

  6. I use noname primer for standard or large projects and tamiya primer for my favorite ones. 

    Also as first layer I have had good results using floor vermish: put the parts in a bath of vermish then hang them outside to dry. Once the surface is dry, you can add a primer layer and wait 24h. After the first sanding, the parts should be almost smooth

  7. @derex3592 I like the low viz version much better than the "official" schemes. For myself, I hope that Bandai will release the "low viz" version seen in the anime when the delta squadron launched from the deck. Kind of full dark grey theme.

    @arbit Great use of electronics. Someday when it is so miniaturized that the electronic can be embarked,  I must try that.


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