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Everything posted by Xigfrid

  1. I did order and just recieved a few painted deck crew figures (Fujimi plastic set) to get them on my also new TSM carrier deck. The figures are really bigger than the stated 1:72 scale, between 1:60 and 1:55 I would say and the carrier deck was a bit warp, but that wasn’t a deal breaker. I am very happy with both and the new display perspectives !
  2. That’d great! I can’t wait to receive my copy and I now have to decide if I need a second YF-25 or not...
  3. I wished I had more time to spend on this one, unfortunately I have been busy with other projects and gathering more references from the delta scramble game. A few extracts show that you can actually play the Cheyenne II ! Exciting! But it is still on the bench, don't worry
  4. Well well, that convinced to order one from Japan @Jaustin89 I think I would prefer that you make the Shapeways model a bit thicker so it can be sand down to size, instead of buffing with nail polish. As soon as I got my fold booster I will order the adapter.
  5. @spanner that paint job on these cars are top notch, I wish someday we have metallic paint for our macross toys too
  6. @ivorysniper thanks for the pictures and taking the time to share these missiles. I don't really like these ACSWS 1D and 1A, they should be pretty easy to make though, i could try them someday. Asm-91 looks just like the "HMM" from the YF-19 armament, which are already available in my shop in 1:60 and 1:72 scales. Perhaps I should revise a bit my design to make them more streamline. MPBMS aren't they already available through the Vf-171 armor parts?
  7. Sorry for necro-upping this thread, but I had to share this TSMWAC001 carrier Deck Base 1 (from TSM model Wing Collection, also represented by Herpa in Europe). It is an expensive deal but it worths all the pennies. To display it, I had Wmkjr amazing VF-0B custom.
  8. The Mini figures are from an European manufacturer: Preiser, they are from a pack of 6 in 1:72 scale but they are of the same size of Isamu and the real painting job is much better than their picture. https://www.1001modelkits.com/small-scale-soldiers/77161-preiser-pr72409-pilots-and-ground-staff-germ--4041032724096.html I am waiting for the ground crew from TSM, they look even greater
  9. I too had the gun broken this week-end, since it broke just at the root of the sliding rail, there is no way I can drill and glue it back. I have a WSF replacement part for it so I don't really worry about that but in order to replace the part, I have to open the model and release the black part... that I just glued! Well I will wait until it really bugs me without the gun to repair it
  10. For the speaker pod yes, wsf for the shell, WSF-polished if you really hate sanding 3-pass and want only 2-pass. FUD for the inside is enough to me, I have also put FED as an option because this is a material that is often requested. Don't forget to rinse FUD/FED in 75% water+ 25% dish washing soap to get rid of the excess of wax. I didn't wash mine mind you ;P
  11. Also if you consider WSF premium, you should look into HP WSF they are at the same price and HP will need a kit more sanding but the details would be top notch
  12. You can enlarge them up to 1,1mm radius/2.1mm diameter and you will be good for WSF. I personally prefer WSF for its strength over FUD or FXD, specially for transforming toy!
  13. Oups i was speaking of the 1:60´s DX ones , since they come with an horrible metallic paint, they are crying for a complete repaint!
  14. I missed that thread ! If I can provide you a dwg file for VF-31 canopy cut would you be willing to make these too ?
  15. @Sanity is Optional thanks and I am waiting for your next pod too ! @valhary What is Ozma doing in Delta ? I can't believe I never saw this version, please share more in MP @seti88 many thanks @kajnrig 1:72 scale was accepted by shapeways, however, just to make sure I slightly modified the sprues so they are larger and don't got rejected. Here is the link to the WSF parts : http://shpws.me/PrOw the FUD parts http://shpws.me/PrOl
  16. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Poor cat! I have been trying hard to remove the gun, but it seems mine is stuck in the Pod... Do you have a secret to remove it @ChaoticYeti ? @no3Ljm great lightings in your photos, I wish I could do as well some day And I want to share some speaker love with everyone. This pod deserves a toy!
  17. I will try to scale down tomorrow and see if it still printable. If it doesn't work that means that only FUD could print and that I have to simplify the model to make it stronger. Speaker pod painted !
  18. @kajnrig I don't think I forgot a noticeable speaker, let me know if one is missing, I can still fix the 3D files 1:72 scale ? It can be done, but fully in FUD and in fixed position: would be that ok ? I just made a quick comparison picture to explain the differences between "my speaker pod" and the one available now on shapeways. The one on shapeways is more anime accurate and would close more firmly.
  19. Sanding is complete and I am pretty happy with it Now I need to paint it. First step will be to apply the colors on the 3D file so I can make a pdf of the masking patterns I need and print it so I can easily cut the masking and the glass.
  20. Second sanding session plus another primer layer. The flat faces are almost done, tomorrow that would be the last sanding session I think.
  21. After 1 primer layer + sanding, then the pictures when taken after the second primer layer. The surface is quiet rough, thankfully, I don't plan a lot of sanding for the inside since the FUD speakers are great as is
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