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Everything posted by Xigfrid

  1. I think the smooth, yet strong material was called “black high definition acrylate”. Unfortunately Shapeways has dropped the production because there were issues with print orientation and printing sprues. However, HP WSF also called Professional plastic is still a bit rough, and I would compare it to the traditional smoothed plastic
  2. Worst service ever with nin-nin game, I really don’t recommend to buy any macross stuff with them, particularly the rare ones
  3. Nice idea, I don’t know who made the attachment adapter in the shoulders but this is a neat place to use. Anyway i am not a fan of reusing the VF-11 supers design, I think that the VF-1X from delta should at least use the 31 supers or a more modern design. Let’s the DX Bandai YF-19 be released and see what can be done
  4. @Buddhais no, because I think they have very nice designers already and if they don’t make the figures I do, it means this is their business decisions. @kelsain and @Jasonc the fix have been uploaded already but I prefer to test the parts first. This is the reason why not all the parts are available in my shop. In particular the new wings that I couldn’t assemble yet. At the end of August, beginning of September I will confirm or not
  5. Xigfrid

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I did totally forgot this was also included. This would be an outstanding release
  6. If I were you, I would set it tight, the plastic can wear off a little after a few slide in and out, but it is also flexible enough to apply a correct pressure if it is designed tight. Applying primer or paint to the clip would be overdoing things, at least for me.
  7. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That’s so true, I wished NY had my 31A shipped already...
  8. That’s looking nice I will probably add a couple clips to my next order, I think a 31 could look heavy with armor parts and dual gunpod
  9. I remember having a hard time fitting the sv-51 in the detolf with full armament... Anyway that won’t stop buying this one
  10. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    In your pictures, they look almost the same shade, and always better than the “official” super colors.
  11. Hum I have been discovered but it is nice to hear these project are still living
  12. Hum I have a grunge against the detachable hip bar because it reminds me so much of the Yamato V1. They even could have soldered a metal cable and it would have worked better than the opening jaws
  13. Thanks to all the feedback I didn't cancel this project, and I am glad I didn't because I really like it now. What now ? I have tweaked the 3D files to include all the fixes I wanted. I need to print for end of August the complete Wings, replace my prototype HIPs, test the new beefier landing gears, and I will test a set of male female pilots too. Once I test these and if they are good the project will be finished and I will move to painting stage. I will also prepare a quick assembly note for those who want to buy it with pictures I have taken during my assembly.
  14. To anyone wanting to assemble it, I highly suggest to buy M1 steel pins in 5-6-8-10 and 12mm lengths of eBay. I have been assembling a couple years and cutting my own pins from nails, this is so painful and time consuming: it really makes the assembly much more enjoyable. Speaking of pins, you will also need one M1.5 (diameter 1.5mm) x 20 mm length and two M1x20mm for the hand traps. For the gerwalk specific articulation, I have added a dual pivot Z-shape articulation to the hand attachment. That makes a larger empty lane in the back of the battroid mode but at least the gerwalk is sleek now
  15. Xigfrid

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I dont mind the price @Saburo just release your book already! You could even release a collection too, ala Master Files: one book per Macross franchise. Please
  16. I spent some time to build the little guy and now I must say I am impressed by the changes compared to the original VF-9, this version has a greater presence and is looking tough next to the VF-1 in both battroid and fighter modes. The fighter mode is solid with a lots of tabs, probably a bit too much because each transformation step is tabbed so that it can hold the pose step. Battroid is also greatly locked. Still I had errors in my files, particularly I must be unlucky with the wings that missed a rotation channel and mysteriously the Hips assembly that was down-scaled... anyway I have a few smaller fix’s I want also to make on the final 3D model so I will update everything in a few weeks.
  17. Haha, guess I will let Mr K know that I am ready to cancel my DX order if he makes all the gimmicks in 1:60 scale. And cherish on the cake, I will give my 5min work on the shaft mechanism for free.
  18. I think there is a misunderstanding, half of the answers concern the STEP 4, flipping the back pack in Gerwalk position, but to me it seems that the thread author has broken the tabs in STEP 5, 2nd illustration: when you open the flap. thanks @wmkjr for the picture.
  19. It looks like the "jaw" connecting piece can be closed and tabbed to the nose, behind the pelvis in battroid in the rectangular shaped hole
  20. What I hate is the additional steps required for the transformation, the waist rotation is great for posing no argument about that! Bandai could have wisely over-engineered this bar to include a drive shaft or similar assembly, to simplify the transformation and keep the waist rotation gimmic.
  21. I now hate this detachable hip bar, my only hope is that I could transform the VF-1J without releasing it. That would prevent the new hip rotation though.
  22. Looking closer to your picture indicates that the two plastic bits that snapped were supposed to hold the little flap and not the entire backpack. The little flap applies no pressure at all during the transformation, compared to the arm that is a double hinge that is prone to breakage in the video from @recon. If you glue them back with the flap (avoid glueing the flap together with the plastic bits!) you should be good, and even transform this valk without problem My main question however is how the hell did these tabs have been snapped off, there is no collision with any other part from the valkirye.
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