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Posts posted by Xigfrid

  1. Ok! So the HMR VF-4 release got my Yamato all fired up for an elbow upgrade so he can also flex them and make some press-ups just like his incoming little brother.

    When I dismantled the elbow, I discovered that there was already a rotation axis but with very tight amplitude of movement. So I sanded the diecast part to allow a much larger movement of the elbow in this rotation axis. 

    I could gain 30’ degrees of movement doing that and now my Yamato can flex pretty well, compared to what he could do initially.








  2. I love my Yamato 21, but with time and nitpicking, I feel that it is slightly too thick at the nose and that the global width at the main body could be more streamlined, less width. It also need some foot surgery.  

  3. I have received the antenna printed in Professional Plastic, quickly sanded (smoother appearance) then painted with "Light Gun Metal" color paint from  Tamiya spray TS-42.


  4. If you blink you can miss it, this is the scene when isamu came back to earth and hedgehoping next to the buildings and Guld is pursuing in its 21’s in high speed mode too

  5. 1 hour ago, no3Ljm said:

    I like how the arm bends with the cannons on the side and not at the back like YamArcadia’s. ;)


    Looks more natural to me too.

  6. What would be - I N C R E D I BL E - is that the Armor would be self-sustaining in battroid mode.  I dream of making greater poses than Ozma's 25 which ended hanged to the display stand...

    After seeing how Bandai pulled off the YF-19 arm canons, I am a Bandaïliver

  7. I would love to see that too! But I know how project time is scarce. My two VF-9 are also in standby, one is waiting a replacement panel and the second waits the gunpod. 

    Anyway, judging with the previous projects, I am sure his VF-9 will be gorgeous 

  8. There are a few 1:60 around, like the 1:64 diecast cars, a few Japanese 1:60 diecast military vehicles. Don’t forget the 1:64 F-14 from corgi.

    in plastic toy form, I am eyeing at the Takara diaclones (and their KO MechFanToys), you got also the 1:60 full metal panic mechas.

    and last thing you can experiment with a 1:72 figures that can be oversized just enough to do a great illusion as 1:60 figures

  9. If I remember well the renewal 25 and 29 came with soft plastic by default and they had hard plastic replacements (except 29B saggy antennas !). They should have kept this trend or at least give a second hard plastic antenna. Hopefully this will be the case for future releases.

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