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Everything posted by Xigfrid

  1. I had a male and female pilots printed in 1:48 scale specially for when my VF-1J would arrive. Well I had to cut and sand a lot to fit the female into the cockpit, but I didn’t try hard enough for the male pilot. For size comparison, left side are the 1:60 pilots (approx 1m75 fall), middle is a MFT diaclone, right side the same pilots at 1:48 scale. It looks like there is room for wealthier pilots than Hikaru, I just hope Bandai can fix the pilot size for the next VF-1 releases.
  2. I was wondering how far do you think we are from having a DX VF-19 Kai version ? Since Bandai has already released the Frontier VF-19, the Macross Plus YF-19, the next logical mold use should be Basara's, shouldn't it ?
  3. Let us know what arrives, the guy had another stock of 4 and I am still hesitating. I think if he had the MS version I would have tempted the devil ;P
  4. As discussed in the other thread, I would also love a second SV-262, would it be a Pop Elvis variant, any screened CF 262Ba or the new concert 262Ba:
  5. That looks like the seller has been hacked, even the GT-03 Optimus prime EX at 49$ is too suspicous. Then i realized that I prefer this OP Ex than the classic G1 OP, even as ET-01 or MS-01 flavors. Am I weird ? !
  6. With KO stuff, you can be sure there will be re-releases otherwise a KO's copies of the actual KO! That's what happened when UT-01 Peru Kill was harder and harder to find, then BSL-01 appeared out of nowhere at half the price, just before the second release of UT-01
  7. When I go to see TF movies, my main reason is to have a lot of CG actions, robots transforming into real cars and fighters. But Michael Bay made an habit to revisit in each movie come concepts such as real reason of race to space in the "Dark side of the Moon", the origin of modern computers/electronic in "TF 2007", the pyramides in "The Revenge", etc. That's what this movie was lacking. Some strong historical/geographic references ala Bay movies. Bumblebee felt like a teenage movie with small romance, very small action/fights and mostly CGI. If you did saw all the trailers, you pretty much had all the action scenes. Same for Optimus Prime who was a main character, and in fact it never appeared more than what we saw in the trailers.
  8. that's nice! How or where did you find the decals if I may ask ?
  9. A few pods have been sent already, I made a few more so I got 10 left, not counting the 1 reserved for you @Focslain, don't worry! If you want one let me know. These are made of highly polished "professional plastic" in black, and I am also giving the screws and Aluminum bar for the assembly for 30 USD (or 26.40 EUR) each.
  10. SLS is supposed to be accurate up to 0.1mm, so you should be able to push harder and the pin would enter, tighter than expected. The white plastic is very strong (printed flat) so you can apply a lot of force to insert the pin. Give it a try, and if it really doesn’t want to enter, that would be an issue with shapeways accuracy. As @tekering said, you can still enlarge the hole, even if you are not supposed to. Concerning the black 4 missiles block, I need to check them since I never use them, perhaps they have a larger center pin that I wasn’t aware off.
  11. I will give it a try tonight with these particular missiles. Have you tried with the Arcadia's YF-19 missiles too ?
  12. In fact the design looks good to me. My design makes friction to the missile pylon with the smaller hole. What I can imagine is that you try to insert the missile the “larger” side, have you tried to insert the smaller side then rotate 90’ to lock the missiles into position? Or perhaps try another set of missiles, I have inconsistency with the missile attachment dimensions, so I have put the tighter hard points online. I think the revision online is the third or forth iteration of try and miss. So I am pretty confident with the 3D model itself.
  13. The only reason I can see for a KO 31j is to make a Kai version of it. I really don’t understand why they don’t make a 31A, that would be an instant multiple buy for me
  14. NY asked me 2700 JPY additional fee for shipping... even after I did order with their mark up. I am beginning to think that pre-ordering is not worth anymore, truer with Bandai releases.
  15. Hi guys, I have received a few Strike Canons pods already and a few more next week. Let me know in private message how many you want, which destination, do you want me to assemble it ? I will give you my PayPal and total amount to pay. The pods will be shipped the 1st or 2nd week of January. I wish I would have time for that, but I really can’t spend the time to paint them, sorry.
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