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  1. That Gatling gun is like 100+ parts! that should take some patience to paint and assemble it. also I am pretty curious if the Katana blade is 2parts (dark and light grey) or if you mask it and paint with 2 colors?
  2. hey can you tell me from where i can get the templates for paper models i want to make the model for asuka  i saw that u made the model for it but cant find the templates

  3. Whoa, I didn’t realize that the revival version could stand with the armor pack equipped! I want one now!
  4. … opening the chips pack and red wine bottle to enjoy the long show! keep the pictures coming, I love both models
  5. Ok! That’s a nice piece of art for sure! I am curious to know if you intend to commercialize it or to sell individual copies?
  6. So, since Shapeways is apparently imploding as a company following their filing of chapter 7 bankruptcy, do you have any plans to post your files to another site? Your projects are some of the coolest and most important in the fandom! I hope to see them preserved :)

    TcT Magazine- Shapeways Bankruptcy

  7. I love this thread! I remember the previous thread discussing about the design and I was wondering to myself about how fine and difficult it would be to print and assemble it. And you made it! My favorite model is the Type01 because of the variable wings but I prefer the smooth curves and the nose design of the Type02. It kind of make me want to print one myself and build it!
  8. Xigfrid

    Sv-303 Vivasvat

    This Lego Moc looks great! I don’t have an X account but if there is an assembly available I would love to test it.
  9. I see that the bike is still an on-going project and I like the more accurate new design! Nicely done!
  10. I am so happy to see more customs of this design. Yours stands out greatly!
  11. I don’t know how I missed this custom! Nice job on this @sc_planet! You really put your all to paint this drone fighter I thank you for giving a try to my 3D models.
  12. Xigfrid

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Like experten’s
  13. Xigfrid

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Thank you, I was thinking to be the only one with this feeling. I will PO for sure this first edition, but seriously can we hope for a more modern color scheme after this?
  14. That’s a great price considering the work and numerous prototypes involved! I would be interested by the stl but I need to find a painter first I have two tips I would like to share with you: i didn’t see any display stand option, but I have noticed that it can save a lot of place by displaying the toys mid air on a flight stand. The most practical stand I have found is the Gundam / 1:12 figure display stands which have a plastic pin. They sell for 2-3$ each on aliexpress and can be found in any Gundam stores. And it is easy to design the hole or drill it. Buy pins! I have bought hundreds of 1mm diameter pins in different lengths: 3mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm. 12mm. And never regretted it. Each time I am running short of one size I can’t imagine myself to cut the pins, sand them smooth etc. So I just buy them over and over.
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