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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Hi Guys, I recently had to perform shoulder surgery on 2 Valks, so I decided to take some photos and try to document a bit of the process. Hopefully these photos might help someone needing a visual reference. Sorry if a couple of the photos are not well focused, I was using my friend's iPhone camera with which I am not familiar... One thing I forgot to mention in the photo text is to let the lubricant soak in for at least 10 minutes. Also, be careful how much of the knurling you file away, I managed to get one shoulder with just the right amount of tightness, but the other shoulder is somewhat loose. Hopefully, if I apply some nail polish it will help.
  2. Just watched the first 2 episodes of "Back to Earth". I liked it, not having the laugh track is somewhat strange though. The second episode was pretty good and very heavily bladerunner influenced.
  3. Hi Guys, I know that the pieces have to be washed prior to priming and painting, but I wanted to know if it's normal to wash the pieces after some of the pieces have been glued and puttied. I would think that washing the pieces after that might make the putty brittle or come off completely, especially if it's washed with an old toothbrush or something similar. It's been awhile since I've put a model together and I don't remember how I did it the first time, but it turned out well.
  4. I'm having a hell of a time getting this figure to stand on it's own. The armor on his back makes him quite top heavy. The feet are smaller and that doesn't help in trying to get the figure to stand. The times that I've managed to make him stand on his own made me uneasy, I wouldn't leave him unsupervised and I'm going to use the stand for sure when it comes time to display him. Still, I really like this version of the Ride Armor. I think I had some Anime Magic working on my side when I got him to stand on his own.
  5. vf2ss

    1/72 VF-2SS

    Awesome work! I love it
  6. This is the only other piece I know of, it came with the super and strike parts. Attached to valkyrie:
  7. I think this is what you guys are talking about...
  8. It seems like when my valks are having fun, there's always a jealous TF lurking around....
  9. vf2ss

    My first VF-2SS

    Hi Guys, Thanks for all your responses. I built this without knowing about priming and finishing seals, so the model doesn't have a finished seal right now. By reading these forums however I gained alot of knowledge to apply to my future efforts. Yeah, it's alot of stress on the legs having to take them on and off to change modes, that's why I didn't include any pics of gerwalk mode. I've only transformed the model a handful of times. Also, by removing the legs the putty I put in the leg seams has cracked and revealed the seam. Is there a way to prevent this from happening on a kit that needs to be taken apart to change modes? Thanks, Drew
  10. Hi all, First let me say that I am in awe with the modeling talent I've seen in MW. I've gotten so many awesome tips and techniques from all of you. I've been a big lurker, but I appreciate all of you that contribute to helping out your fellow modelers. I built this model awhile back, before I knew about the forums. I just bought a modeling book and went at it because this is the only variable physical representation of the VF-2SS that I know of, and I'm such a big fan of this particular mech. I've gotten a couple of PMs about my avatar so here are some pictures I took of the kit, from which I got my avatar. I think it turned out ok but I'm hoping to get started on some more kits and start another VF-2SS with all this new knowledge I've gotten from you guys. Hope you like it.
  11. Dammit, you made my wife call the paramedics right after I read this cuz I just about had a heart attack!
  12. Anyone know if they'll be reissuing the Max and Milia VF-1J with this latest reissue run?
  13. I was thinking about this too. Any chance CM would get a green light from Bandai to make a variable toy of the VF-2SS? After all, they did make the Ishtar figure. Just a thought...
  14. HAHA The wife knows nothing about it, or how much money I've blown on Macross. Seeing as how this figure is unique and the largest Minmay I've seen, I want it. 560 bucks however is making me cringe...
  15. I don't care what you call me, I still want one.
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