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Everything posted by Vince

  1. THIS is how it all going to end -- And
  2. I've been thinking how well light sheet would do with the Unicorn, it's likely doable if anybody still making light sheets.
  3. I hope they make super pack and armor pack soon.
  4. iphone plans are expensive because of the new equipments for all the 3G stuffs and to make up for the cheaper phone, it'll eventually come down. Are there still only two gsm carriers in the U.S.? unlocked iphone don't have problem using t mobile as long as the phone is not updated after jail break. unless Verizon gone gsm and 3G, with all the money invested in their tdma (or cdma?) it's gonna be a while, ATT is the most logical choice to carry iphone in this country.
  5. at least the clear parts seems to be clear...
  6. I think the botroid mode is kinda short, and where is the neck?
  7. I did not notice kensei is not in the US. We need to understand cell phone tech implementation in the States is behind the rest of the world. Only music phone I had were java base, the jvm start up are generally very slow, so I usually the phone, a mp3 player, and my blackberry. I'm happy the iphone cut that down to two, and if my work place decide to use the iphone instead of blackberry (there is a rumor going around), I'll be carrying only one device, and that will be very nice. iphone v2 does have build in gps, however turn by turn navigation is not available yet because apple has not decide on using tomtom or garmin to provide the software. That's why appstore does not allow turn by turn gps addon. mike, if you're interested in an iphone, I suggest wait about six months to see if they would add more memory to it. there is a 32Gb ipod touch right?
  8. better start saving up for second round...
  9. how much is a n96? if you use ipod, then iphone is a logical choice. it's a ok phone, but a top of the line ipod. you can't upgrade the memory in an iphone, neither could any ipod. the minimum bill for iphone is around $100 a month, the device itself is not expensive at all. only way to find out if it is for you is to go to the store and check it out.
  10. iphone does not support stereo bluetooth, and the gps is not turn by turn yet. App store makes it very handy.
  11. Since Bandai is the only one making them, and they are toy company so more toy like products should be expected, don't have to buy if you don't want to. No need to get upset ... , conversion kits will be out soon..... hopefully. I've seen folk done incredible job with the first generation Gundam and Macross kits when they first came out, I'm sure we'll still have fun with this one. Any news on maybe super pack, or armor pack?
  12. good for you . sales tax holiday here, I might buy me and extra laptop for the heck of it.
  13. hay man, I'd like to help in anyway, I'm no expert on hardware, but my guess is some of the system went bad since it is having trouble with both audio and video. I wonder if your problem affect productivity softwares? Why not open a large Word document, spread sheets and such, at the same time and see how they perform? I have Norton antivirus on my work laptop, and every time it runs, it affect everything else badly. If the Offices type softwares works fine, then I'd uninstall the media player in question with windows' software removal from control panel, remove the directories and reboot a couple of times before reinstalling the player. If you think it might be bad system memory, I'd suggest boot with only some of the memory install. The cpu would normally not be the problem, but if it turns out to be the mb, then its good luck to you. I had a bad stick of memory in my pc a while along, and it did show up in system but the system was having trouble accessing it. It tested it as I mentioned to you, replaced the bad stick and everything is fine. They don't cost much either. Almost forgot, with xp you can reinstall windows on top of itself, these days they don't come with a disk but part of your hard drive would have been partitioned to hold the original disc image. You can usually burn that to disk and restore your system. If you reformatted your hard disk, your warranty would be void. good luck.
  14. good point, but xp will let you boot with 256mb, I was gonna say a bad stick would just not show up but on laptop it might only be a single 2gb stick -- then I would have been making an a** out of myself. Might be just bad memory stick rather dead one? I agree with Mike to look into the background processes with task manager, id those using the highest memory and cpu, and find out what applications those executables belong to. It could be as simple as some run away services running. Have you try to recreate the problem in safe mode? Have you try system restore? Boot you one memory stick at a time?
  15. explorer is basically the window if I remember right, each firefox starts it own jvm. what is using the most memory I wonder? you running xp or vista?
  16. system idle process represents the resources not be use at the moment, high percentage mean your system is not busy nothing wrong with it.
  17. very nice!!! bolt ons are meant to be put on one piece at a time, post more pix as you go please. edited to remove to images.
  18. Any body heard of pulse plugs? some folks have reported online that they do work as claim to a certain degree. I personally know only 1 person has them, and he is happy about it. I'm thinking about it, and it wouldn't be a too expensive if it failed. I think they are recommended for NA only? http://www.pulstarplug.com/index.html
  19. it was my bad man..
  20. Hey sorry man, didn't mean to start a fight. I've messed up many time before I figured out heavy lacquer clear will turn yellow every time, especially bad over enamel. I've been using Gunze for almost 30 years, they are absolutely the best.
  21. good for you
  22. Well, if applied correctly - in thin layer, actually wouldn't turn yellow. give it a couple minutes between layers.
  23. have to get a few either way. thx
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