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Everything posted by Vince

  1. But it's the 30th anniversary of the original series, another re-version of the original kits should be more in line with what they have done in the past .... didn't they make coated versions for the 25th??
  2. they making a 5th one?
  3. RX78-2 V.3, ZAKU V.3, and coated versions more likely.
  4. but you have to remember to disable 720p with ps3, manually.
  5. This is what we got around here.. I think it is only used for show though.
  6. Ran into this site, 15 Most Intimidating Police Cars
  7. Did you expect the budget allow a R35?
  8. a friend of mine updated his xboxes, the white one has gone rrod, and the two elites seems to be ok. I updated my, seems ok other than unable to join games and disconnect from games at times while stay connected to xbox live. wired. I think there is a bug.. just like all other ms software releases - ship first, fix it later.
  9. I said it before... Yen too strong, sucks for us out here in the States.
  10. funny the rest of posts there think so too.
  11. Yen too strong, must wait a while.
  12. you mean introduce him to google? I for one prefer he not finding this site.
  13. exactly how I feel about LBP, it is cute and pretty but remind me too much of those brothers.
  14. I found these a while back, but I have not bought from these guys yet. http://www.kjmagnetics.com/proddetail.asp?prod=D101-N50
  15. airbrush with extra thinner, gloss clear is supposed to thinner to at least 1:2 I think.
  16. I wasn't saying to use Sharpies on the clear parts, just the edges. Tamiya might have clear purple spray can, I've use the clear ~ish candy apple before. nothing clear will cover well with quick coats, few more coat should take care of it.
  17. iwata hp-c, badger 360, badger 100sg
  18. I bet bandai got people reading this board, and know how we feel.
  19. So ... that why I've three of them??
  20. ? http://www.gametrailers.com/player/41269.html
  21. anyone seen this? http://streetfighterblog.blogspot.com/ http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_eTB004d0cng/SPE2...00-h/chunli.jpg
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