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Everything posted by Vince

  1. I forgot about the gateway will have an oem mb in it (I bet is foxconn), that might have only one slot for video cards, and they don't tell you. I do not know if this particular model can use multiple video card. some high end mb's let you use up to 4 cards. like I said, check out the prices for the individual parts. the retail parts are usually better than the oem parts. seem like you're going performance, diy you should come out with a better system. at 2k you can probably build THAT system with a 975 in it.
  2. is the regular display base same as the gundam ones?
  3. I think it is pretty good system, price is a little high for all the oem parts, but you get to save the hour you would use to put it together, and all the support you would need as long as you don't like to talk to anyone on the phone. suggest going to newegg and compare prices for the individual parts. personally I would buy retail parts online, probably save enough to get an extra 5850, trust me you'll want multiple video cards, my single 5850 1Gb can barely do crysis on all high at 1900x1200 with aa turn off, i need at least another 1Gb of video ram. also ati drivers is not as good as nvidia drivers.
  4. got a manual for that board? the for slots should numbered from 0 - 3 of 1-4, dual channel with 2 sticks usually go into odd numbered pair or the odd numbered pair. the cmos should have a setting for dual or single channel, sometime it tells you which slots it is looking at. i think same color slots works?
  5. sorry I didn't read the previous message all the way..
  6. warm water and old tooth brush
  7. definitely 58 , sitting at 15 ft away watch movie with letter box and two black bars top and bottom of the screen make the ppl small. gaming with full screen is a different story. since everything depreciate over time, and out of date as soon as you bought it, might as well buy the one you are most happy with right now. go to the store and see how it feels
  8. doesn't it have a limit for each channel?
  9. a friend of mine is actually running a 295 + 9800, all evga, the 9800 only process the physx commands. sure beats my 5850 big time. ati on the other hand require two identical card for crossfire, or get a scale down, and pretty much all ati cards got the power plugs at the end of the card which some nvidias' are on the top.
  10. what cpu you got now? Intel 3.0 right? thought about adding a second 8800GT or maybe a 9800GT? pick the cpu and mobo that is in your price range and the rest a piece at a time, if the mobo don't seem to be able support the new stuffs that are coming out, then there is not much point getting such mobo. video card prices change every month, i say hang on to your 8800 until the game you want to play come out then you might save some money on the better card and/or extra, but your will probably need a bigger psu at that time .... mike, 19 and azrael all got some good points. I code on my pc so cpu is more important to me than video card, it's all depend on what the pc is use for.
  11. I'm sure I watch one of the 'How they made it' show on Discovery or something, it were actual LEDs on a big broad.
  12. I agree it gets easier, just finished sequence 8. fighting bare hand is the best.
  13. have you read reviews on Tom's hardware? they have pretty good suggestions. If you are not going to be multi tasking, AMD is great, otherwise Intel might be a little better. I'll spend more on the cpu every time, there is no point to get a video card for the highest resolutions while you brand new monitor won't support it.
  14. I DID NOT check the price on the i5 , haven't even think about all the P55, P58 stuffs cost. but I think upgrading video card is always cheaper than the cpu + mobo + ram, spend a little more up front on the foundation would probably expend the usable life of the system.
  15. maybe i5 + ati 5600 (just because it's cheaper)?
  16. I think it is already at major ball parks.
  17. most games allow you to set resolution in the option, if it did use the highest setting for your monitor it might be because the video card can't handle it. if you are not ready to get a new pc, i say don't spend money on high end video card instead step up a bit and something with 1g of ram. P4 3.0 won't run cryis, I tried, with a 1G ati 3 something hd. are you running xp64? I don't recall xp32 will use more than 3g of ram. a qual core, maybe e8200 ( or 8500??), even diy kit, pair with a single 1g 4850 (around $100) with play cryis. I did it with a 9550 with a 1g 4850 ran cryis resolution at 1600x1050 and firefox running on a second screen at 1600x1050 with no problem.
  18. bootleg Bandai China...
  19. I kinda doubt that any of the new 00 gundams could stand on its own where the models come out... I'm having enough trouble get mg exia stay standing. another way to make ppl buy their stands????
  20. or external usb drives
  21. dude you still have cassette tapes?
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