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Everything posted by Vince

  1. hopefully its better in Chinese?
  2. Just got mine first one too, in better condition than the PG Wings they sent me, and a day ahead. whoever posted the link, thanks for saving me money again!
  3. I think they're trying to remove the product line of America? I don't thnk they will even carry the newer PGs at normal price, other the PG Gundam.
  4. with movie release and MK.II ver 2 already done, I think they will retool Z but it won't happen until the movie part 2 is out.
  5. MG Freedom is in stock at HLJ too. I need another one. Don't know yet. We'll see after part II of the Zeta movies comes out. MG Freedom (Shiny ver) looks tempting. Only because I'm too chicken to open my original MG Freedom. Dang it, why did it have be hard to find...oh wait...Hobby Link has it back in stock. *Makes order* So....any other stuff that comes with that Mk II ver. 2 besides the display stand, like say...improvements? 317833[/snapback]
  6. so there is gonna be a Z ver 2 then?
  7. if power is on and CMOS doesn't come up, then it likely your mb is fired. check and see if any cable is connected directly to a outlet. or maybe just a dead battery on the mb. but my guess is firec mb. if this is the case, yu cpu and memory are probably ok.
  8. I'd like to see PG Freedom, let just hope.
  9. does scifi channel even have a hd channel? the only time I saw the show in hd was when they show the last couple of eps from last season on hd nbc. Cool. I wish my cabl;e company had Uni HD. 315070[/snapback]
  10. I wouldn't think about if it wasn't just a couple hours drive, too back I have a lot of work and can't go during the week. looking forward to having some fine food too.
  11. July 20th to 23th, probably the biggest show this year. Will be a lot to see. I'm planning to drive down there on Saturday.
  12. Amazon restock the PG @ $20 at the end of June, and I was able to get me a couple of them. I think they were sold out in no longer than half a day. I put the kit on my wish list in May and checked back everyday, I'm guessing maybe they will become available around end of month? wouldn't hurt to keep looking I think. Thanks for the head's-up. Just ordered me a MG Zaku IIF/J. They got several MG kits in it seems. Kampfer GP01 GP01FB GP02 RX-78-2 Zaku II F/J Zaku IIS Char RX-79 GM RX-79G Gundam EZ-8 Those are the ones I saw at least. 308885[/snapback]
  13. I think it is much more playable than the previous games, the hardest mission I played so far is going up against bigzam, but its a lot easier with the right ms.
  14. Amazon.com got some of the cheap MG restock.. Kampfer, gound gundam, GP02.. However, the Kampfer is $20 now.
  15. their prices are better
  16. at HLJ if anyone cares. 1600 yen
  17. So it seems, mine is in payment processing.
  18. Hmmm... I have the sudden urge for some Choco. I wonder why? what Choco?
  19. who was in the shower in ep30 btw?
  20. I thought all the ms were design for possibly toy/model production?
  21. I order a Kampfer, GP02, Alex, and EZ8 yesterday. They will likely be here Monday. Don't remember who post the sale info, but thanks for saving me money.
  22. a coworker of mine got the yellow one, it does suck real well, so does my 60 bagless with clean fliter. one thing I don't get is, the guy in the commerical says it suck with 10k g-force. Then why doesn't it blow up?
  23. I think they are target for older childern to adult in Asia, but in the US anime = cartoon; if (cartoon) { target_age_group = little_kids; if (US_release) must_be_g_rated = TRUE; } if (target_age_group == little_kids) heavily_edited_out_all_the_good_stuffs = TRUE; take_pointly_detail_part_off_toys_and_model = TRUE; } if (take_pointly_part_off_toys_and_model) { easier_to_mass_produce = TRUE; quality_of_toys_and model *= 0.75; don't_expect_anything_good_for_the_true_fans = TRUE; they_think_sales_figure_will_be_high = TRUE; sue_by_self_righteous_people--; good_business_decision = must_be_true; } my_reaction = why_buy_them_toys;
  24. I totally agree
  25. personally it doesn't a thing for me as they stop releasing gundam toys and model in the US. I've been getting everything from Japan anyway, the US releases are just too pricey. Their quality weren't as good as the import after all the safety modifications for childern's toys IMO. I wonder if any of the marketing people actually went to business school? Or maybe none of them (the marketing people) actually watch Gundam? Sales people that can't identify the correct target customers for their products should not be in sales It will be nice if they keep doing the English DVD releases though. Well marketing research is probably too hard for some people.
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