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Everything posted by Vince

  1. promethuem5, I've always wonder about that but couldn't tell from the pix I've seen. Remember those $20 W0C kits from Amazon, bought a few of them back then and thinking about getting conversion kit for one of them., you know anything about them?
  2. it says 115cm, over 3 ft
  3. I still have mine from engineering graphics class in college, rarely seen lead refill sold around where I live however.
  4. not that I was going to do this, but this kind of neat. video link http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1719034
  5. don't forget this one
  6. However, the first impression I got is it feels like a improved version of previous Gundam games.
  7. I am talking late 80's early 90's, all the translation with those games are 'start', 'continue', 'end' etc. from Japanese to English, keywords only. Back then in HK all the games were bootlegs, nobody use original cartridge. I got mine used in some street market, and they weren't hacked, just old.
  8. They were promising translations? That's funny. 413350[/snapback] No, they weren't. I don't know if you're old enough to remember the first generation NES system. The red & white system was never sold in the US. Back then NES and SEGA roms are mainly sold on floppy disks in HK, bootleg of cause but we didn't care at the time, both system have add on after market floppy drives that plug right in the cartridge port. Those drives sit right on top of the consoles, and some of them can translate the Japanese menu and display text into English, on most games anyway. Games back then were simple, so menu items translation was no big deal. The red & white nes had those disk drives too, but I never owned one. Those games cartridges were different size than the grey SNES in the U.S, the adapter worked as an extension to the cartridge, and also remap the connectors. I only used the adapter on a couple of Japanese games.
  9. I remember I used to have a adapter to use a game from the red/white box to the U.S SNES, it must have cost me 20 bucks when I picked it up in HK. It's been years, and I think it worked too other than no translation.
  10. Didn't wide screen format, hd or not, came out in Asia in the first half of the 90's? I remember seeing some wide screen CRTs back then.
  11. Thats not really engrish....its the t-shirt for a UK band Im heading off to japan in a few hours ill try and snap some engrish and get a few t-shirts when i can 408390[/snapback] seems like photoshopped at first sight, but then the guy might be making a statement?
  12. Maybe these are all they've got at adv?
  13. well ps2 was a linux box anyway, it's no surprise. it seems you can upgrade your ps3 like your computer. one thing for sure, it won't be running windows. I might be able to replace my solaris box (it pretty old btw) with a ps3. but honestly, I only want to use my game console to play games.
  14. [ yeah, kinda surprising. There are supposed to be three different versions of the PS3 released. The cheapest version won't have wireless or bluetooth and some other stuff built in ( you can buy the add-on cards though ) but the biggie is that it will not have HDMI support and no plans to do so. You can still play games @ 1080i with component cables but the movies with copy protection will require HDMI to watch in 1080i. 407537[/snapback] there is no need for HDMI to watch HD signal, HD cable box use 1080i component output AND separate audio output, HDMI is all integrated. (I like big cables...) Now for the HD cable box users out there, what kind of audio output you got? Mine stupid cable only have the kind with RCA audio out, so all the 5.1, 6.1, and 7.1 mean nothing!! I got 1080i on all the HD channels (Discovery is all day long), really pretty, when I watch dvds I have to choice between better picture or better sound. My stuffs are a couple years old, they probably have different things now.
  15. I'm cheap, so I'm going to wait a little bit before I jump on board for PS3.
  16. JBO you seems to know quite a bit about these thing, I don't worry about the details as go as these thing deliver. Unsampleing signal or not, that up convert dvd player does produce much better picture with the same dvd. No I'm not using all my hd component input ports, I have a hd cable box using one of them though. Neither the PS2, regular dvd, nor the component out from the up convert player work with the hd component ports, tried it. My up convert player is probably one of those first one to use HDMI output, the previous model use DVI. Still the stupid HDMI cable cost more than the player. Anyway, my setup works pretty good for me, I'm ok for a while. Yeah, the tech guys in the store generally don't know much more than informed customer. BTW. I read that SONY's blue-ray dvd player is shipping mid August for $1000, and the PS3 will have the same dvd player component for $400 less.
  17. One more thing, did M-plus on the big screen. really cool, just wish it was wide screen.
  18. Actually, the differrent between a regular DVD player and an up convert DVD player is the regular player convert the digital signal back to analog 480i signal, and the so-called up convert doesn't. result in cleaner picture through DVI or HDMI interface with digital signal. I got my tv before HDMI was out, so I'm using DVI interface, the HDMI was supposed to be better and it also carries audio signal. Most HD monitor have mulitple component input port, but the older model (like mine) have only 1 480i port -- 1 dvd player in with component input, that's why my PS2 is on S-video only. Anyways, the rest of the component input ports support up 1080i, HD signal from cable box, dish etc. I'm just repeating what the guy at BestBuy told me, he seems to know what he was saying. Nevertheless, it was pretty cool watching DYRL on big(ger) screen with all surround sound up though.
  19. I watched it with a up convert DVD player on my DLP, it was pretty good -- much better than regular DVD. Of cause it's no match with true HD, but it's 20 year old.
  20. So that's why I've reading about all those guys got caught in the ladies room lately.
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