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Everything posted by Vince

  1. and all this time I thought I was just blowing away bad drivers...
  2. save money on props. no need to go all last century..
  3. so they have single turbo.. weren't they twin turbo in the past?
  4. from what I've read, after market exhausts add not much to power gain, or worst it might loss power, unless everything from header down is replaced. Since wrx is already TT, what do you have in mind in mods if you're doing any? oh BTY, test pipes are illegal in all states I think, so don't get caught with them.
  5. I've been thinking about putting in some kind of force induction/turbo in mine, but then there are too many vettes and M's around where I live. Turbo make you quicker, bigger engines win in the long run IMO. I like the front end of the wrx, I think the dual exhausts is an improvement. But if you're going to change out your exhaust, please don't put in any cheap fart can. It's like every time I pull up at the light next to a small import, the other guy always want a race, you be easy on those guys.
  6. needs bigger shoes.
  7. This makes me happy. more..
  8. it's a Western Digital Scorpio 250, walk by BB one day and they had it for $120 and 9% sales tax here. retail package which would've cost about as much getting it online at the time.
  9. ps3 takes a sata 2.5 inches notebook hard drive, your 7200rmp ide will not work. but you can reformat it to fat 32 and put it in a usb2.0 external enclosure. I think you can get the ps3 to format the usb drive for you. isn't a 120 gb 2.5 going for around $70 these days? I paid $130 for a wd 250gb a little while back.
  10. don't forget the sport games.
  11. if you've grown up and your assigned unit is not marked in red, you will surely die.
  12. Many years ago - actually since the Gopher days, I used to do a Yahoo search on 'Macross' every once in a while, usually got a list of individual sites. One day MW was on the top of the list, and here I am.
  13. unfortunately she is too big for this kind of movie..
  14. I know insurance companies set their own numbers of the years with records - whatever they call it. They normally looked back 5 years back when I was in college. I think some of them have gone to 7 years , Progressive for sure did. I think the stolen car probably added $100 to $150 to his insurance. If your friend would like to save some money, I'd suggest he get in something maybe last model years 4 door none turbo with a V6 for a couple of years, save up the insurance and buy something nice with it later. but it's just me. But people get paid more in California right? because of the living standard I think. Where I live just got a new mayor, and the sales tax inside city limit will goes to 10% on new year. They up the county and city sales tax to 9% from 8% back in 2000. Keep saying the extra money will go to the schools ???? In short, the schools around have not seen much of that money. And the extra 1% (again) over the 9% is suppose to go to a dome stadium, which very likely will be built in one of the lower income area around the city. We don't have any sport team to put in the stadium, not much public transportation, and even less to do around town..... Now who's wallet is getting raped?
  15. I'm not sure that's the case, your insurance rate goes up if your insurance pays out your fault or not, but if it is not your fault your insurance has the right to go after the other party and make them pay 3 to 4 time the actual paid out amount or have them driver license suspended until they pay up, or make arrangement to pay and this will be oversee by the state's public safety department. If your record is not clean, Progressive is the best bet, but sign up online, because an agent can charge you whatever they want.
  16. Don't forget a lot of people think they are street racers, and think they were better drivers than they are - at least in where I live. Almost every time I stop at a red light, some guy would pull up in a little 4 banger and want a race.
  17. may I ask how old is your friend? did he got any ticket the last couple of years? I think he should lay low for a couple of years, like an Accord or a regular Jetta, just to save money. It seems anything with a turbo in it will make your insurance double, then $20 or so for each ticket, but the total drop to about half once you hit 25, at least mine did. I pay $90 on my Z and $60 on my Camry, and I already think I'm paying too much . A couple of years ago a friend of mine paid only about $70 for a brand new 911, a ML, a 540i, and an Accord, but he has two kids and no record.
  18. You mean there is a PS3 bowling game?? I want the name!! I've playing bowling on my wii, but the graphic is nowhere near the PS3.
  19. . .really funny, I only seen these once on a Altima's front doors. The guy didn't do it right the first time and crashed the driver side front fender with it, lucky he solved the problem on the passenger side.
  20. I've been using polish and cleaner products from Zaino, I've washed and polish my car twice since summer, I'm kinda lazy, and I only did one coat with their AIO polish. I just clean the dirt off with a bucket of water and it looks better then most car around where I live. Read the site to find out more, I highly recommend them.
  21. armor, ejection seat... sorry, wrong car. I just wish my car would turn off its head light, have a 6th gear in AT, and oem upgradeable security system.
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