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Everything posted by Ranger565

  1. Now this I would like to see!
  2. Still looking good, Hope all has been well! Carl
  3. Anytime. I have spent Hours and Hours Matching Colors. to get them Perfect! Carl
  4. SICK! NIce! you got it right!!!
  5. Dunkelblau for the Boosters Kaki for the Fodder Main colors. You may laugh, but its still the best I have found. And yes I have posted this picture about my VF enough, but here they are togeather, with the colors Hope this helps.
  6. Look at These 2 greens, Its a Toss up between the 2 SAC Bomber Green http://www.testors.com/product/0/1993/_/SAC_Bomber_Green_FS34159_-_3_oz._Spray_Can Or SAC Green http://www.testors.com/product/0/1793/_/SAC_Green_FS34159_-_12_oz._Bottle Also For Cannon Fodder use Dunkelblau http://www.testors.com/products/136388 Also thats not the Best pic to use, But they are green a light military Green
  7. When it comes to Millia Paint, If you can find a WW1 Red Barron Red, thats what you should use. Its a deep red. There is a company that makes it, I will have to look it up for you. Carl
  8. Hey Joscasle, I am prob the most crazy when it comes to Getting the color right. For fastpacks or max, Millia, or Fodder, Look at the color I used for My Fodder. For the skull its a Green. so dont use that for Max or Millia or a Fodder! In this picture of a model kit you see Max's Correct Blue paint, However, the Fastpacks are NOT grey, thats is wrong in this picture. Also this model kit of max is the Factory Battle paint scheme NOT last battle paint scheme. For the Last battle Max had a blue plate as in the Fodder, NOT matching his paint scheme. ONLY the top of the Fastpack was the color of the max blue, the rest was the same as the Fodder. So you need to decide what Battle Version you want to make it! The guy who Did the paint for the max blue is Dead nuts on! He was 100%. But the grey is NOT even close. Wonderful model kit though. The paint I use for the Booster is Drunkle blue or something. Its from Testors. Its the 100% best match I can find. it is an enamel. Carl
  9. Hey man Yamato Color is WRONG In sooooooooooooooo Many levels for Fastpacks! NEVER use yamato for that!!! I have Pics for you, if you want TV DO NOT go to Yamato!
  10. So No news on the cockpits canapy?
  11. John, Something I dont understand. How come you can just Use a clear resin and Make them and not have to use the Strech Plastic material? Is it due to the Material? Or the Clear Resin? or bubbles in the Resin? You are the master of all, Just dont see why you have to always Send out for the Clear stuff. Thanks for any info Carl
  12. I am having the same issue. John if you have my emial any format will be fine. Carl
  13. Yeah but my bank freaked out when they saw the $1.00 charge and nothing else. I guess I cant blame my bank. It would be best if Hobby search said that on their website and what the transaction company name like they told me in the letter. But hey With this world we live in. I am glad my bank was looking out for me.
  14. Dear Customer, Thank you very much for your inquiry and we are deeply sorry for your confusion. First of all, the small amount of the charge like 1 USD is so-called "test charge". It is charged to your bank account when you submit your credit card details on the ORDER FORM page and it will be back to your bank account within a few weeks. Secondly,charges conducted by HOBBY SEARCH can be one of the following names. a) HOBBY SEARCH b) MITSUBISHI UFJ NICOS c) Veritrans Therefore, if you informed your bank or credit card issuer of those names, there would be no problem when we try to authorize your credit card. Again, we are deeply sorry for your confution and your understanding would be greatly appreciated
  15. Ok thank you FlyBoy, I will have to wait until tomorrow to remove the pending Hold On my account. I just wanted to make sure it was them. Carl
  16. Hey guys I just got a Pre auth on my credit card from a company in Japan, and the ONLY thing I have pre orders is the Wave 1/72 Tomahawk from Hobby search. The website states that it will not be shipped until late August. So you can see my concern. As of right now my Credit card is on hold and no other charges can be charged. Hobby Seach States that they will NOT charge your credit card until the item has been shipped. So as of now I have a $1.00USD charge on my card from a Company that is showing up as "UFJcard." This is the card I used for the Pre-Sale. Has anyone else orderd from them before and not had an issue with this company? And is this the charge company on your statement? If not then I will have to cancle this card and open a new account. I have emaild the company and as of the past 24 hours I have NOT had a reply from them. thank you for any info you guys may have. Carl
  17. Yeah I am going to have to fix the Waist and the head, The Waist is too skinnny, almost like its starving to death and trying to get in a corcset.
  18. yes I did but thank you I can use this one too!
  19. I know you guys think I am nuts but what I think is really bothering you guys is the guns on the head/face. They are very wong, I will admit that. But its fixable. very fixable. I have already started getting my materials togeather for this thing. Carl
  20. Thank you very much John. Just courious.
  21. Hey John, Wonderful kit, but I have a question? Is their anyway for you to put the Circle Marking(Panel Lines) around the Radar Dish? Or is that something we will have to Make a decal for? My only option on something that size, is for me to use a Razor from a Gasket making box( as in Cutting a gasket for Pipe or Large scale pumps) on black Vinyl to create the look.( only way for me to make a Perfect circle) I guess I can use a protractor? If I have confused you my bad. Not sure how else to explain what I am talking about. I know this is anal but for me to be an exact replica I will have to do this Carl
  22. Just wait until I get my hands on this thing! Oh its coming too!
  23. :lol:I am so waiting to see the Radar Dish!
  24. Thank you Peter! Thats all i would need for this kit! Carl
  25. Yeah but its more affordable. Look at Mechtech whos building his ship. a 1/200 monster is going to be much cheaper to come buy these days then what they are now. In the long run it will save him money. $40.00 is better then $80.00+ dollers.
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