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Everything posted by DarkArchon3000

  1. Absolutely Gorgeous! I think I saw this as a contest winner on another site. Did you modify the front canons?
  2. Gorgeous bird. Great job and congrats on the house!
  3. Well I'm excited just to hear that there is a possibility of a 1/72 N-Ger or Q-Rau. A 1/48 non-transforming Legioss with head options makes sense as the next kit in the current line up and I would be in for a few. Now a 1/10 line that includes a Protector and non-transforming Ride Armors would be my dream choice. While the toys are nice and there are transforming plastic kits, the proportions are always a compromise for transformation. I would love to see Ride Armor models in Captain's line art accurate style.
  4. That is absolutely gorgeous! Yes, we need more pictures of this beautiful masterpiece.
  5. Payment sent.
  6. This kit looks Amazing! Third payment sent today.
  7. I'm still in. Been waiting for this one for a while and it looks awesome!
  8. Nice. I would be interested in a 1/48.
  9. I would be interested in a few. Just like in the photo, I would need crabs with boosters, crabs with boosters and cannons, flying crabs with only cannons, plain ole crabs with no booster nor cannons....
  10. Looking good! Love the colors and finish.
  11. Absolutely Gorgeous! If this was a kit, I would want two. One for each mode.
  12. Option #3 sounds preferable to me, but I'll go with whatever works best for everyone.
  13. Please sign me up for one. Thank you.
  14. Can't believe that is papercraft. Amazing job!
  15. That looks AWESOME!
  16. Payment sent.
  17. Please count me in for one.
  18. This kit is so cool! Wish I could go to WF just for the 1/350s.
  19. Awesome work on the Battlestar! Brilliant technique.
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