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Everything posted by DarkArchon3000

  1. 1/20 Misa at AmiAmi! https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=TOY-SCL2-96645
  2. Misa PO done! Here is the AmiAmi link. https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=TOY-SCL2-96645
  3. I'll take one of each, please!
  4. I wonder how awesome this would look using the Stratasys J750 full color printer that Shapeways is announcing.
  5. I used Micro Mesh Polishing Pads. The kit has 9 pads ranging from 1500 grit to 12000 grit. I wet sanded both sides of the cockpit with each pad for a few minutes. I polished with the 12000 grit until the pad started to fall apart. I then dipped the cockpit in Pledge\Future acrylic floor polish. I'm thinking of spraying it with a bit of Tamiya clear yellow but I need to test it on a scrap piece of clear plastic.
  6. I was able to spend some time trying out the Mission Models paint and sprayed a few parts. Their system has a Polyurethane Intermix that you add to the acrylic paint. So far I like the way it sprays out of the airbrush. Here is a photo of some parts along with the polished canopy and some decals I printed for it. I'm surprised how clear the canopy turned out. I gave it a dip in future after polishing.
  7. That looks so cool. I've been priming and sanding mine and just received my shipment of Mission Model paints. Going to give them a try this weekend.
  8. I'm interested in one of those canopies. I also need to get the magnets but can't find ones in the proper dimensions.
  9. Yup nice and clear. That surface is looking smooth on the VF-9.
  10. It sure does! I wish it was a larger scale but I'm still going to pick this up to go with the VF and Minmays.
  11. Wow that looks better than I expected. Glad I ordered a few. Gotta get Minmay before getting Misa.
  12. I placed my order today. I ended up going with the white plastic since the professional plastic isn't as detailed or smooth as the old Hi-def Acrylate but is just as expensive. I still want to get another set for Gerwalk mode and have an M&M set but lets see how the sanding goes with this one first. I also contacted EXO for the canopies. Thanks again Xigfrid!
  13. It looks GORGEOUS! I am definitely getting one of these. I know the professional plastics will probably double the cost but would it be possible to make them available? Thank you!
  14. Intriguing. Any blurry preview pics a la Arcadia?
  15. Does the cockpit display have volume control or make any sounds along with the lights?
  16. WOW! Really? Those are nice cels but that asking price is CRAZY!
  17. I received mine today. The print quality is far smoother than what I expected. I haven't built anything this complex in awhile but I can't wait to start working on it. Thanks Tage!
  18. Preordered 3. One for each expression
  19. Bummer. I've been thinking of purchasing some myself but I prefer water sanding to prevent dust.
  20. This is so exciting! This is one of my favorite valks. Please count me in as interested. You have done an amazing job with the design in all 3 modes.
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