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Everything posted by DarkArchon3000

  1. Severed tuna head would have been a cool accessory! Are they including the white wrap cloth for that scene? I see it in some of the photos but not on KCs site. I do like the face sculpt a lot more than the previous release. I hope the heads are compatible with the previous figure.
  2. That would be great if they make DYRL figures, but I would hope that they complete the TV line up first. I want to see Milia, Claudia, and Kakizaki.
  3. Thanks! Yes, I want to make the DYRL versions. KC hasn't shown anything past a possible TV Max, so in the meantime I have plans for more Hikarus, Misas, Minmays, Minmays, and more Minmays.
  4. Thanks! Yeah, I'm trying out the CM head on him. I wish they would have kept the prototype sculpt.
  5. Thank you! Still works in progress but finally got them all together.
  6. Group shot with some customs.
  7. Did anyone get a response for the 1/12 consoles? I order combo set C+D via e-mail but haven't received any response. Is their another way to order besides going through e-mail or Facebook?
  8. Anasazi, please put me down for two sets of VF-4 decals. Thank you!
  9. Exciting! I'm in for at least one.
  10. Does anyone know if Arcadia or Bandai web exclusives can be purchased through the Buyee proxy (not auction)?
  11. Agreed, that does look cool! I would be interested in a custom Alaska Base valk. @Anasazi37 PM sent for a decals set.
  12. @ChristopherB, Congrats on those kits! Hope to see more pics once they arrive.
  13. Got one at HLJ! Just got confirmation e-mail.
  14. So what happened to this? Was it released?
  15. So does anyone have an extra set of legs? AmiAmi is not offering to send me the replacement parts.
  16. I would also be interested.
  17. It's a tight fit but it is possible to have him with the visor down and with hair if you install the visor in the down position.
  18. Here is the screenshot of my order page. The e-mail asked for the same amount. I might have to try again. Worst thing is I end up with two, but that's better than none. I have used them before to preorder the Minmay printed figure and they also took deposit as "Charge 1" and then asked for payment when the item was available.
  19. So is From Japan asking for the full payment? I tried it and got an e-mail asking only for the preorder amount. Am I doing this right?
  20. WOW! That looks amazing! I'm also interested, even as a kit if necessary. Nice work indeed!
  21. Wow! That is a beauty! Congratulations!
  22. NICE! I would love to see these crafts as kits. I'm interested in both.
  23. These look great! I'm interested in a set for Focker. Thank you!
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