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Everything posted by War_Taker

  1. Found this somewhere.
  2. Re-release orange VF1D and Super VF-1J are enough for me. If start this on early 2012 I'll get them all now. T_T
  3. Hope Yamato release un-assemble version for VF-17 in dark grey color.
  4. Any Japanese toys-festival in Dec ? Hope they announce what new and re-release for 2013 soon.
  5. What left for 1/60 VF-1 Re-Release ? - VT-1 - Super part TV version - VVF-1 with Super/Strike in the same box - Armored part - VF-1J with Armored. I think it's useless to re-release more VF-1 A, most of them still ON SALE in many JP shop and ebay. If possible I want VF-1D re-release in 2013. I can't find this valk. anywhere.
  6. Hope they re-release TV version in January 2013.
  7. Buy THIS and paint it red. :lol:
  8. Many parts need to "Replace" not just "Add/Remove" e.g hip ,side of the leg and chest. http://www.dalong.ne...mf03/mf03_p.htm
  9. According to Yamato re-release. Today the price of (30th anniversary) TV VF-1S and 1J are rising from their List price. Most store are sold out. If I buy them now they will a bit too expensive. Should I wait for 30th anniversary Super valkyrie VF-1J and S and buy them at List price instead. I'm not sure Yamato will re-release them soon.
  10. So. Why their price are much difference ? I found in E-bay 17S is 2XX $ ,17D without Super is 3XX $.
  11. What is the difference between Yamato 1/60 VF-17D and 17S their price are much different. Can I remove their head easily like VF-1 ? I want to make my custom head.
  12. From this list. http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Yamato-V2-Table-1A.jpg For VF-1 J and VF-1S TV version. 2008 should be avoid but 2010 is safe. How to know which version from their box ? Non 30th. logo is cheaper on E-bay anyway to know they are 2008 or 2010.
  13. I just start collecting 1/60 Yamato VF-1. Now I only has 1A and armor part coming. This news make me stop buying more Yamato. Those 1/60 are great but hard to find other accessories. For 1/72 I can buy 'Pod Regult' from Bandai, 3 types (and more, soon) of 'Destroid unit' from Wave, Some airplane maintenance crew from Hasegawa. Hope their price are no more than previously release VF-25.
  14. Thanks for List. This mean I should go for 30th anniversary logo on the box for 100% safe.
  15. I just start collecting 1/60 VF-1. Now I'm looking for VF-1J Hikaru and VF-1S TV ver. I found the older release are up to 30$ cheaper than 30th anniversary but I'm not sure. 1. Did 2008 ver. of those S and J have fragile shoulder problem ? 2. The canopy is plain clear or rainbow ? Thanks
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