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Everything posted by Goobermunch

  1. Yes. Yes, I do. Ordered. The VF-27y will have to wait until November.
  2. Man, I had just made the decision to buy the VF-19 Adv., but then Brouken posed Saburo's VF-27y shots. That's a beautiful Valk. But so is the VF-19 Adv. Argh! Must ponder more.
  3. It's time to grow my collection, but I'm agonizing over what to pick up next. I'd love input from the forums to help guide the purchase. My options: Brera's VF-27 + Super Parts. This is the least expensive option. I'd like to finish out my collection of MacF Valks at some point. Isamu's VF-19 Adv. This is middling expensive. It looks sweet, and I saw Macross Plus when it appeared in the U.S. somehow. It will fit in well with my VF-25s (thanks to its super parts), while being a total throwback to Macross Plus. Also, I don't have any VF-19s. A YF-29: Alto's--Nope. Not enough money in the bank account this week. Ozma's--Right at the upper limit of what I can afford. Roy's--Doable. I can get this one plus the super parts for about what I'll pay for Ozma's. Isamu's--Easy. Cheap. I'll have to hunt a bit for super parts. Rod's--The cheapest option. But no super parts. I really like Rod's paint scheme. I love the fact that Valks come with add-on packs. I've gone out of my way to obtain the Yamato Super Parts and Armored Parts for my VF-1S and VF-1J. I have super parts for my RVF-25, Armored Parts for my VF-25F, Tornado Parts for my VF-25G, and Ozma's flying a naked VF-25S. The way they integrate with the figures pleases that part of my brain that likes good design. Sell me on the virtues of the various options. Help me, Macross World Forums, you're my only hope! --G
  4. How many Valks do YOU own? I've got six, plus add on packs, plus some Mospaeda stuff. I don't own many Lego. But I help my kids put theirs together. And this is me apologizing for my America-centric comment. Boys my words sure are tasty.Ouch! With those kinds of prices my kids wouldn't have any Lego. Sorry for the snarkasm. --G
  5. Now you need to get 4 VF-25Fs, so you can show Alto in stock, super, armored, and tornado!Or maybe 12, so you can show each one in all three modes!!!!! 😃. It's a sickness. This might be my own personal insanity. But if I ever win Powerball... --G P.S. I covet Ozma's armor. Alto's looks nice. Ozma's looks awesome!
  6. You bought them for me. They were birthday presents. You said you'd send them to me right away. I didn't want to say anything publicly, but now that you've mentioned it ..., --G
  7. Isn't that a VF-25G in the back left corner?
  8. The smoke/explosion effects can be had at Big Bad Toy Store. --G
  9. Me too. It was an excellent teachable moment. I can't wait to get more.
  10. Like I said, "operator error."
  11. I got them a few days ago. They're great! What I am about to say is not a knock on Yeti Stands. I have a couple of pieces of advice for folks who get the conversion kits: A) your Bandai bases are not as big as the full Yeti Stand base. They are not, I believe, as heavy as the Yeti Stand bases either. Do not get aggressive with the center of gravity for your pose; B) make sure you tighten your nuts and bolts. A lot. More than I did. Finger tight is not enough. Use a wrench and a screwdriver. The inner rubber washer can compress. Compress it. I say these things because I did not do these things. This is a case of operator error. I put my Armored VF-25F in a more aggressive pose than I could do with my stock stands. I used an Alan wrench screwdriver head and a hex socket to hand tighten my nuts and bolts. It held position long enough for me to walk across the room and put the tools away. And then I heard the sound of plastic hitting hardwood. My heart jumped up into my throat. I'm not so macho as to say that I considered yelling, crying, and throwing things all at once. Fortunately, there is a couch in front of the mantelpiece where my Valks live. As best I can tell, when gravity overcame friction, the Valk landed on the couch. All the resulting kinetic energy caused every piece of armor to pop off the Valk. Seriously. I found the VF-25F on the floor, almost naked. The armor was scattered around it. Nothing was broken. I went back, put everything back together, and used an actual Alan wrench and a screwdriver to tighten things down properly. My Armored Alto is back in his privileged place. He looks cooler than ever. I cannot wait to get more Yeti parts (including some full stands) and be more aggressive in my posing. I'm really happy that I was able to get my Yeti Stand collection started. --G
  12. PM sent. Also, just for anyone else who happens by, it's this kind of direct personal interaction with your potential customer base that first drew my attention to Yeti Stand. It is awesome to meet a fan who has the vision to know what will make our Valks display well, the passion to take that idea and make it a reality, and the decency to help people out when they're in a bind. It's nice to run into business men who care about their customer base. I'm looking forward to replacing all my stands with Yeti Stands. --G
  13. That's the stuff. I just managed to get my pictures loaded to Photobucket, but you figured out what I was talking about. I was about to place an order with you for a couple of the Bandai DX starter kits anyway. It's the first of several purchases I have planned for the coming months. Any chance you could drop the piece in with those? --G
  14. I hate to resurrect a dead thread, but this looks like the right place for my question.... Tonight, I decided I wanted to display my VF-25S in Battroid, and my RVF-25 in fighter. When Luca's in Battroid with his super parts, the radome disappears. Anyway, when I was mounting the gunpod, I failed to line up the front mounting bracket properly. When I tried to click it in, the bracket cracked. I am so pissed at myself right now. If there's anybody who a) has made replacement brackets on Shapeways, or b) has multiples and plans to keep one in Battroid for all time, I would love to buy a replacement. In the alternative, if there's anyone who's had to glue one of these, please let me know what kind of glue you used. I know cyanoacrylate will stick, but I'd prefer to use something more like a plastic cement, since it will make a stronger bond. But since I'm not 100% certain of the type of plastic, I'm hesitant to just grab something off the shelf. Thanks for any assistance. --G
  15. NOD is that the Toynami Beta? Or the Aoshima one? For the longest time, I had mine in profile with one of the wings folded forward. Eventually, I built a new display area for my collection so it could spread its wings....
  16. That simple change would address one of my biggest concerns.
  17. Don't get me wrong, I'm probably going to buy it. I'm just going to fluctuate between excited and bitter until it gets here.
  18. I can't seem to find that hinge on the engine in the line art.
  19. The man-cave is 12'2" across. It's the largest room in the basement, and the house generally. I suppose that's one of the trade offs for becoming middle aged. The waistline and the living space have expanded since my youth.
  20. My collection is not as big as most here. Still, I've spent the last three weekends improving its home. My collection had been living on my mantelpiece, but it was a bit cramped, and in the darkest part of the mancave. There wasn't enough room to really display my Alpha and Beta, much less my VF-25G with its tornado parts. So I spent the last three weekends building out a new mantelpiece. I tried to come up with a way to incorporate the flight deck from the USS Flagg, but that wasn't particularly safe. Instead, I built the new mantelpiece out and incorporated LED strips along the front and back in recessed channels. I'm really happy with the result. --G
  21. http://m.ebay.com/itm/121658191543?nav=SEARCH Try that... $220 plus shipping. Claims to be new.
  22. This arrived today.... Ozma, not Michael. My collection is currently hanging on the wet bar until I finish building its new home.
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