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Everything posted by Chindenathus

  1. I recommend you steer clear of the Transformers: Energon series then...
  2. Click, click, B00M! I too am in the earlybird club.
  3. Go with the MP Skywarp if you had to pick just one. Thus far it is the finest release using that tooling IMNSHO. That and Skywarp was my first Tf too, so I'm probably a bit biased.
  4. Well for what it's worth thanks folks.
  5. So anybody got the scoop on the new Big-O figures coming out?
  6. I found the image below the other day and It got me to wondering. Was the YF-21(22) the first design to have the "Tri spade" thrust vectoring assembly? (I mean in real life, not in the Macross continuity, That would be the SV: 51 series.)
  7. Who forgot to give him his meds again?...
  8. Anybody know a more precise date of release for the SOC Iron Gear? All I have heard thus far is "September".
  9. The JSF series has the Detcord canopy breach charge. It apparently has to do with having a two piece canopy. "Froaty" probably thought it looked mean, and on the SV-51 it does.
  10. Which is a shame cause IMNSHO he is fine, fine deluxe.
  11. Looks like a Macross/UNSpacy "Buster"(#) Vernier tucked up in a focusing bell the arch. I would think it would help with ballancing in Gerwalk, and battloid, especially while in space. (#) Buster as in "I ain't afraind of no ghost", basically those little circles with the lines through them that are verniers all ove rthe VF-1.)
  12. Here, I cleaned up the cad picture: The original: Hope you folks like.
  13. Cue up the Barry White for some Tank/Robot Porn: Leader Class Brawl Ahhh Yessss... http://tfkenkon.com/g/?mode=album&albu...llection/act465
  14. Could be worse, they could be SD:
  15. Apparently it is based on the "stealth tank" in "xXx: State of the Union"
  16. I am glad you like 'em Mowe. I think it will look damned fine next to my Gunbuster. The Iron Gear has no ankles whatsoever, it just uses it's big blocky feet at whatever angle is needed. The edges of the "Feet" are chamferred (rounded at an angle) so the can maintain stable contact while stepping.
  17. I found some pretty sweet scans of the design art for the Iron Gear SOC. Without further ado: [attachmentid=43187][attachmentid=43188][attachmentid=43185][attachmentid=43186] And for S&G a photoshopped image with color (Standard and in the Gunbuster colors): [attachmentid=43189]
  18. Spoiler Bumblebee's damage is mentioned in the Comic prequel and in both of the "official novels" (Ghosts of Yesterday & Transformers The Movie). He was "Maimed" By Megatron at the "Battle of Tyger Pax".
  19. You overstate. Waspinator was the "universe's chew toy" at least a dozen times (more like two dozen). Bumble got the "Shaft" maybe three times across various media.
  20. Anybody know where there are some more pictures of the Iron Gear SOC? I am very very tempted to preorder one but I would like to see a bit more on how it looks before I hit "The Button!".
  21. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail A bit late but ths was posted yesterday at BBTS. They still have some up for preorder at TMA.
  22. The series in question had these cute little tanks that could transform sort of Hikarian style. For the life of me I cannot remember the name of the series. Anybody got any ideas?
  23. Well if your thoughts are to "hit it" till she gives out and sneak off with that rifle, then we are both "bad boys".
  24. I can see your point about the decals, the contrast was pretty stark, but he does just sort of scream "Devious Decepticon Bastard" (that may or may not take trips to Greece and/or San Francisco....).
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