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Everything posted by Chindenathus

  1. Two new pics of the black repaint of Arcee were posted at S3ibertr0n:
  2. While all the gnashing of teeth is amusing (in Eugi's pants not withstanding) Yamato's QC has been pretty damned stellar since the SV-51. Mind you that is when apparently they figured out that a little more time (3 Months...) to debug is okay when it produces a much better product.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ3lXZT7PFY That is all...
  4. I've Japanese version on preorder. It is verr niiice! http://www.toy-wholesaler.jp/cgi-bin/goods2-e.cgi?id=TF-200
  5. When it is retracted it's the right shape. Also the end product will be painted and whatnot. ths was likely snatched in a factory.
  6. Only in height. That's why the sugarbots like him so...
  7. ...Please God, just let it die already...
  8. Yet somehow I doubt that will work...
  9. As I understand it, it will be pressed off the MP:06 molds so that it incorporates the few improvements it had and so it will not suffer from the "safety modifications" the US vesion had. Yes it will have correct faces.
  10. I have some sourcebooks on Xabungle, they have some very nice line and painted art. I have always been amazed at how much high quality art was produced for this less that well known series. I have all three SOC offerings and some of the model kits. On an aside I noticed that the Iron Gear has rear hatches on the main/toe turrets. They swing "down" mailbox style. There are some little details in there. Overall I have been very pleased with the "toys" that have been made this decade. Lots of fine details and awesome extras.
  11. I think we should use this thread to discuss TFA and use the other for general TF discussion. It'd help hold back some of the clutter in the "Mega Thread". Just my two cents.
  12. I have seen a great deal of cool postings about this series scattered all over the place here at Macross World. I'd like to see a more focused discussion on this somewhat resurgent yet kind of obscure series. I hope other MW'rs would like to contribute as well. For starters: I found this thread full of images: http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-40966-1-1.html a few days ago It is packed with some some sweet images. Here is but a taste:
  13. "Ultra" is the step below "leader class".
  14. The severity of said "double bump" is more than likely an optical effect due to the black framing of the canopy and the dark background the shot was taken with. Even if it isn't, I'm all about buying it!
  15. Any news on the scale of this thing? The black Serena that is...
  16. You probably saw this unit:
  17. Looks pretty accurate to the line art to me:
  18. Good Lord! That is gorgeous!
  19. At the Hasbro panel at BotCon they (Hasbro Reps) said it was a new continuity that was blend of elements from all the series, primarily G1 and the new 'Film' continuity. They used the G1 footage as a clever "nod to it's predacessors". Nothing more, nothing less.
  20. >>Excerpted from my Livejournal: (+) We live in Nebraska.)
  21. I have one of these preordered for $110 (including shipping). Now I just have to wait 3-4 months Sigh... So, does anybody have an idea of the scale this thing will be?
  22. Damn! I so owe you a beer! Thanks so much!
  23. Man as tiny as the turret barrels are on that thing, I wouldn't dare hug mine.
  24. The Iron Gear pleasanly surprised me in much the same way. It is surprisingly elegant in it's design and execution. There is no mandatory part-swaps for anything. It really is for all intents and purposes a big heavy (and Expensive) toy.
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