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Everything posted by Chindenathus

  1. I've liked these fellas since I got Appleseed's soundtrack a few years ago. They certainly are good enough for circulation here in "The States". This got me interested enough to get the aforementioned soundtrack:
  2. The left arm does that. It has a button on the forearm that releases the "wrecking ball". I thought some might find this amusing. Real World Bulkhead:
  3. I have a question about TFA Bulkhead. Eriku, What does that black lever/button on his right bicep do?
  4. I got mine today from HLJ and I have to say it is a very VERY nice figure. I was surprised at how many moving bits it has for such a small toy/collectable. BTW if you put one of the eye pieces in without any decals she looks creepy. The Mrs suggested I paint one of the eye pieces red to make her super Psycho. I admit I am tempted.
  5. I finally figured out what TFA Starscream's altmode reminds me of:
  6. Good lord! It's been too long...
  7. Was the head able to move in the animation? I don't remember it doing so on the Yf-21.
  8. Video review of TFA: Starscream I dig it! Everybody can b1tch all they Like I'll buy at least 1 if not extras to repaint. Apparently the head does turn and it has some odd panels that pop out on it's forarms.
  9. It's on backwards.
  10. Which is shown at the end of the Price Of Darkness film by the way.
  11. As I understand it, the Dinobots are planned for a few more eps this season. I wouldn't get your hopes up.
  12. He's probably correct. I for some reason was thinking you were talking about the intake ducts. Just take your time and inspect the part and it's neighbors carfully and adjust what you need with something in the ballpark of 500 grit.
  13. The one beside Omega Supreme is the Japanese version of the Classics Starscream. Check the pin that runs through the chest/shoulder/intake if it is bent or mis-aligned then there little than can be done. This sort of flaw is from the factory and it very, very hard to fix on this toy as the pin is very long and goes through like ten points of contact in the toy's upper torso.
  14. Have you seen these: Apparently the were earlier concept art for the Black Sarena. Dang! They really went pretty minimal on the design all things considered.
  15. the TX smuggled a plasma weapon (amongst others) into the future internally.
  16. If I remember correctly the "Diposal Units" turned bodies into chemicals the machines needed like oil and what not.
  17. True about the "Blue Angel" Blue but, Japanese collectors items have a very bad habit of being too light/wrong shade when it comes to red, blue, or purple. The companies tend to release them a shade or two brighter than any art of the subject ever was. For example the "Cartoon Colors" Galvatron released a few years ago. I like it's colors better than the original (Yes I know about the UK Comic.... ) but it certainly is rather lavender looking compared to the movie and cartoon art.
  18. Yeah it is. Bbut the legs are too skeeny!!!111 I keed!
  19. Like you didn't do this already...
  20. [bW Megatron] Excellent, Yessss....[/bWM]
  21. No. You liked War Within's art, this means you have taste. (And ignore the credits page in comics...)
  22. War Within was drawn by Don Figueroa.
  23. After a little calculator work apparently the Black Sarena is 1/60th scale like the B-Club Model kit of old.
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