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Rick Randy

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Everything posted by Rick Randy

  2. that much for a LV??? Questions raised should be how the #### did he get that many lv? did he rob a bank?? maybe the all fell off a truck or something or perhaps some toy "importer" had a few shipments that never reached its destination. That would be a good asumption if they are all mint. I wonder if present under the crhistmas tree was missing a few years back in your area??
  3. any more customs? dunno but that colors looks like something a real navy ace would fly Pretty cool:) wonder if you can do another one anp play with different shades of gray:)
  4. so what is the difference in the third reissue?? andy degration in paint or casting quality? Is the canopy still the same type plastic? is the Yellow more orangy?? what? any pics for comparison? between second and third reissue??
  5. it was just mentioned elsewhere on this site that there is bootlegs of the rei out there on the market and the packaging and stuff almost seems identical to the real release i do not know to much about it. i do not known if yours is different because it is a slight error, a bootleg or if it just vary's from the ones on the box. do you have any pics? Bear in mind that there are also legit HK releases which are identical to the Japanese version just the packaging and the manga printed in Mandarin. I am pretty sure my manga is in japanese that came with my rei ayanami figure IT is identical to the one pictured on the box but when I have a good look at the pic on the box of her face facing full forward and have a good look at the figure facing it full worward facing you. compare the face size to head ratio and do the same for the picture. look at her bangs and the hair on the left and right side of her face. The hair give it away.
  6. sweeeyt.
  7. It is very hard to separate my GF from my credit card,so technically she does the opposite.Still cannot get my vf1J!! (better get out of this forum quick, she'd kill me If she read this )
  8. mbs357 I tried tweezers, but my fingers are too clumsy for em. From "regretable" experiences I sorta scratched my valk with tweezers and dental tools used to sculpt. My Hikaru vf1-a has a deep slash next to the landing gear cover. (it took 2 shots of Jim b to even look at it.) Since then I used a plastic coated wire bending the wire into a small hook and fish out the parts from their respective small crevices.
  9. lovely,crisp and tidy;) min this is a beauty. gotta see this lovely creature with usn marked drop tanks and missiles
  10. yeah i got that problem too i sometimes imagine i have a 1/48 glaug to shoot..mcpaz you may notbe the only one that may wind up in a padded cell. seriously that happened to the right wing of my vf1a i lightly applied 2 dots of pva paperglue so i could remove it again if i want to play a valk repair scenario.
  11. My advice to anyone with clumsly big sloppy fingers trying to transform a 1/48 is carry a piece of stiff wire ideally one that is plastic coated like ones used to bind toys. i find it very useful if you want to put those annoying "pins" in the nose back in their place after you remove the metal thing that holds the legs from the nose.try it;)
  12. Rick Randy


    good points all of you. by any chance did yamato plan to release the 1/48 way before toynami released their products? dunno I could be wrong but I noticed that yamato released their 1/60 with removable legs and hands to facilitate transformation and make it as close to the vf as possible, (which is a good move but as a toy having to remove the legs and a fragile paint finish seems more as a model for me,not as robust as the 1/48) then toynami released their version though not as close to the vf it had light up head and movable fingers which sorta made up for the old style takatoku "leg connection to body"based legs. Could it be competition (maybe not fiscal based) that encouraged a 1/48 release?Could competition from a rival Company hasten qrau variants or other macross products emerging? as with scale watching the old series (including last episode)and movie, the regult seems about nearly twice the size of a destroid (the spartan) and valk. with its legs in storage position one should be able to fit it in a box slightly larger/wider than a 1/48 valk provided the pilot is inside the cockpit and the extra weapons come separate. I know I could be wrong on all points here but sacrificing some pride to be shot down by the next posts so that everyone will know what motivates a release is worth it. educate us all.
  13. can't remember the name, it is not combattra if you look closely at the toy's chest, see there seems to be a pattern that matches the box but i am not sure,shawn would it be possible to post a clearer closeup instead of the robot/box? i got a crass browser i though the box lying on it back says Mazinger?? the blue box below that word may have the "z" in it?? Isaw a similar box a long time ago when i was a wee pant wetting midget.I am stillnot sure.
  14. I see what you guys mean, the takara re-issues are identical to takatokus and are very consistent.(pals all bought me the same vf1-a and i kept all 5 of them) the only defects my first run roy fokker had was th dreaded "beauty" mark much like a model's mole on the head,oh yeah and the ball joint that connects the leg to the main body metal spine a little rubber is ticking out and it is hard to rotate the legs but i have no complaints so far.
  15. which one in pic 1? that robot standing on a box just in front of the boxed vf1-j looks like (can't remember the name) the upgrade robot used after voltes-5 was defeated (voltes 5 series NOT mazinger Z) , can't remember the name but I recognize that "w" pattern on the chest of which the old voltes-5 pulls out his sword.(anyone here remember the 70's? )
  16. That is a good point with the large hands. It sorta looks strange when you take off the armor. Dunno, maybe it is designed to carry an "overweight" minmay.?
  17. nice custom job:)
  18. would the G accept any bribes to divulge even just an ounce of valk platinum? Perhaps a little "Gentle" persuation could be more effective than threats. please I beg of you NO swimsuit Rosanne bar Avatars, all our eyes will be ruined!!
  19. Rick Randy


    agreed, a regult is a good idea even if they just release a normal one. to save space, it should be packed in the box with its legs folded,that should make it around half its standing size maybe i am, too optimistic but it may work as a 1/48 packed that way to save cardboard.. as with the qrau that sucker is around 2x as big.
  20. hope Yamato makes them"grow up" into 1/48
  21. [ As for a 1/48 Regult...I wouldn't hold your breath.] -Draykov Rick_Randy holds his breath [icon8.gif] 1...2....3...4...BLEAH!! thanx draykov ewilen is see what you mean so how would they resolve the idea of removable cockpit?
  22. 1/72=2 1/60=10 (Ok I am embarrased that a few are vf1a browns to complete a squadron) 1/48=2(plan to get the J from VE if I get to wrest my card from my gf) I really hope this does not influence Yamato to discontinue their 1/48 just cause so far we bought more 1/60s..
  23. perhaps if yamato ever releases a "plain" white vf1-a then the possibilities are endless.if not then the joons valks may have to do. I mean how many of you guys out there sometimes wish they had a certain custom valk and end up customising a cheap knockoff? Like to see someone mod a joons to hide where the legs connect to the body as well as a yammie 1/48.(i know you guys are out there) (if a taiwanese company can knock off a popular takatoku vf in the past, perhaps the same could be done in the not too distant future with another "popular" design.not that we encourage,just that we badly desire to mod one..) any pics of the 1/55 joons mod?
  24. With a hikaru and minmay figure of coz. what other sdf products do they plan to release?
  25. Thanx guys,thanx fred I sorta lost my account awhile back in the older forums, I used to ask chris for replacement heads for joons valk copies. (still wish he would make improved replacement arms and legs) I still admire how robust of the old takatoku valks are. (the bandai ones still seem almost as robust.) heh, the monster would be a good idea, but maybe in 1/75 scale, ONE THING!!! The destroids have been neglected for awhile as toys.(remember the HG knockoffs that lack knee joint mobility) even just a TOMAHAWK destroid in 1/48 with pilot would suffice as a tribute as much as a 1/48 REGULT!!! I know people would buy more than "ONE" Regult for the sake of having their valkyries having something to shoot at rather than an imaginary battle pod. even without pilot! I don't care if I have to assemble 5 of them once out of the box!!! a valkyrie deserves a good regult or glaug!!! (I hope some one from yamato or knows them is taking some of this down for it would be a shame if HG came up with it!!!.) For now I will be content with all the different valkyries from the VF1 range to materialize, perhaps in a little while the VF11 to VF21 some day but then again I love their 1/60's. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I fear most about owning a 1/60 even when I am careful I dread dropping the legs by accident when I want to transform them into battroid mode. (has this ever happened to ANYONE?? even once?!) My brown vf-1a production type 1/60 paint scratched off easily and since then I became too careful with all my 1/60s!! I treat them like "the good dinner ware" use them as display mostly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wish they made the paintjob better if ever they release a 1/48 brown production version VF-1A Yamato has got the upperhand so far in the valkyrie war with the 1/48 and I agree, (if anyone could do better send us free the products:) ) but that does not mean that we may not expect anything more. So what sort of mod to the existing 1/48 design other than the head would they have to make if they do release a 2 seater VF1-d 1/48? (been dying to get a scale minmay figure to .er.......hold;) )
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