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Global's Pipe Holder

Global's Pipe Holder (6/15)



  1. I don't think you understood what I said..... What Moore said seems to be worded depending on who you get the info from...
  2. Doing a google I have seen Moore saying "Not in the picture, not at the table and not sitting at the table." Who really know what he said at this point..... I am still on Helo. His humble caring character is what is missing from the others......
  3. 4 Fansubed episodes available at anime-suki
  4. Fansub of first 4 chapters available at Animesuki
  5. Not at the table seems vague and misleading.....
  6. I have been lurking this thread for a while...... Maybe...... the four that found out they are Cylons are probably just humans with certain DNA sequences that make cross breeding possible... The half breeds lose their Cylon abilities and become more human. The interbreeding breeds out the pure Cylons. The Cylons and humans then become one race again. The circle of man creates, machine rebels and both sides almost die continues..... Maybe the final Cylon is really Helo....
  7. Animesuki.com links dead too.....
  8. Great stuff! Any more coming?
  9. Picked up Titanium Pegusus and Classic Cylon fighter tonight at local Target
  10. Is the audio on the bootleg decent? Just rip the audio from it and add the new video.....
  11. So what the hell was changed??? 25 pages.... Can someone just list what was changed???
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