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Everything posted by warrhead

  1. seconded!!!
  2. Do you have to pay up front on CDJ? never mind.
  3. I'm not even seeing a listing on NY
  4. Okay, those black ones are wicked cool! I pulled the trigger on these. I might get that alternate head that Kurisama designed a little ways down the road...
  5. So, with NY, I am prompted to pay for my pre-order, but another post in this topic suggests that payment is not necessary up front... am I missing something?
  6. Has there been any indication as to when the pre-orders will stop? I can't pull the trigger one either for a few more weeks.
  7. Wait, did I miss the pre-order for this?
  8. I was taught this saying slightly differently: "All you need are a hammer, duct tape and a condom; 'cause if you can't fix it with duct tape or a hammer then F**K IT!"
  9. Another stupid question: is this a good thread to check in with to secure a pre-order or should I just be obsessively checking Ami Ami regularly to secure one? Or both? As a new dad my time is somewhat limited for obsessing over Macross but I want to make sure I get this, the -30 and Arcadia's -0D. Thanks for yer patience.
  10. Got it. Thanks!
  11. Is this an ironic comment or what am I missing? Sorry if I'm being a little thick, but what is the advantage of a web exclusive? Also, there is a comment on this thread about "F5 ami ami" and preorder b.s. ... could someone please clarify this? I know what ami ami is, but "F5"? Thanks
  12. I would LOVE to see a new line of Orguss toys, complete with all of the MLovers, Drifands, and Gerwalks,. I don't have a lot of faith in Megahouse and suspect that it'd be a just another craptastic parts-former. I can still dream though.
  13. yayerz.
  14. ...so, when is WonderFest again?
  15. Anyone know the release date for this?
  16. Thanks! I have both the -25a and some armor on the way!
  17. Anyone know where one might still be able to pull said trigger?
  18. Hi Rain! Hey I was wondering about these toys for a while. I have a question about these: What scale are they? If the scale is unknown then, how tall are the mini figs that come with them? 3"? 3 1/4"?
  19. Thank you! Ordered!!
  20. been away for a while.... where might I find this "thread" you all speak of? I am trying to find a place to preorder some Macross toys.
  21. I can't seem to find anywhere that has preorders still available... anyone know of a good site?
  22. F- F'in' YES! 'bout time!
  23. Hi, has anyone else here bought toys through them before? I pre-paid for a YF-29 a looooooong time ago, and just expected them to ship it when it arrived. They didn't, and so I found on their website that shipping needs to be requested, so I requested shipping, which immediately changed the shipping status to "locked" whatever that means. Now, over a month later I still haven't gotten my YF and the shipping status still says locked. I have tried on multiple occaisions to cantact them with no response from them thus far... What should/can I do?
  24. heY, HOW MUCH FOR THE ve-1 AND vt-1 COMBINED?

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