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Everything posted by warrhead

  1. Good God. The horror.
  2. Could anybody point me to the thread that had that conceptual reimagining lineart of the Legioss/Tread that was posted last summer? I was aboard 'carrier at the time and the Navy provides us shitty bandwidth out there, making it effectively impossible for me to open the attachments. Thanks
  3. I just picked up a Milia for about that much, and was quite pleased with it. It's not the most articulated figure in the world, but I think its more of a design flaw than anything wrong with this toy. My only complaint was that the missile launchers on the sides of the knees do not open and close like the shoulder ones. It's a really sturdy chunk of plastic and feels more like a Bandai DX Gundam in my hands than a Yamato toy, which I have come to expect to have lots of light and fragile parts. The pilot figure is ass though, so I recommend picking up the CMs versions if you care about these things.
  4. warrhead

    Please Read

  5. warrhead

    Please Read

    Has anyone tried to ASK HLJ? parts@hlj.com
  6. warrhead

    Please Read

    Not necessarily, I bought this while I was on cruise, and only just got around to opening it about a month ago... 2 1/2 months after I bought it. Anyway, even if YOU broke it and have to buy replacements, they were really responsive to me about getting me parts. My CM's Griffon also came with a broken ankle and HLJ were really responsive about that too. Anyway, it doesn't hurt to ask... As for how they're holding up, I just switched them out yesterday so I'll keep y'all posted. You oughtta get replacements anyway, if for no other reason than to eiher install them and sell it, or have them available to the next guy when you sell it as is... if you don't want to fix 'em, do you want to sell me the head?
  7. warrhead

    Please Read

    So I got back from a six month deployment about 1 1/2 months ago, openned my VF-0A that I had sent home to me during that time, and lo and behold, it didn't even make it to Gerwalk before the arms broke. I told HLJ that it arrived that way, and said the pitot was broken too, just because I didn't trust it, and within two weeks there were new parts at my house, free of charge. Of course, right after I replaced them, I dropped it and broke the head laser, but that's another matter entirely, the point is, if any one has purchased one from HLJ, has broken arms, and HAS NOT already contacted HLJ, tell them that it arrived that way. It may be that Yamato are reluctant to replace parts for free that may have broken as a result of rough treatment. just my 2 cents... Anyone have a replacement -0A head they want to part with?? *edited for spelling
  8. Someone beat me to this point but yeah, the -11 is roughly the same size as the VF-1 and the OG "1/72" release was actually closer to 1/62 scale when the math was done, in which case a 1/60 release would be a negligible size difference. I suspect that if the 'bolt gets the "ultimate" treatment that it'll be released in 1/48 scale... at least that's what I'm hoping for...
  9. What I find strange is that these are being advertised at 1/48 scale which should make them larger than the MPC's which were 1/55 and were tiny. Is this a misnomer? If so, on who's part?
  10. Meh.
  11. Superbug: [attachmentid=39982] Superhornet: [attachmentid=39983] There is no such thing as a "superbug" in Naval Aviation. They are called "Superhornets," "Rhino's" (on the flightdeck,) or "Echos" or "Foxtrots," depending on whether they have one or two seats... ...sorry, that just super-bugs me.
  12. warrhead

    1/48 GBP

  13. I agree, the lines aren't sharp at all... looks like a capsule toy. It also looks like really bad colors were chosen for the materials and the (painted? sticker?) details look gawdy. I think I could crap out a better looking SDF-1. Good thing I never really cared for the SDF-1 to begin with.
  14. Orguss seconded... but only if done without parts swapping
  15. Ugliest paint scheme evar
  16. The Hidden Land of the College Prophets Evil Dead II Eraserhead Surf Nazis Must Die Toxic Avenger The Tongan Ninja Dead Alive
  17. Whoa, now THAT's a waste. You should've listed it in the for sale section to sell for parts. I would've bought the stickers off of you at the very least; someone else may have lost the gun for theirs... You might've gotten $20-$30 back. Also, there is an instructional around here somewhere for a super sturdy fix for the hips. Sorry you got so pissed though... can't say I've never thrown inanimate objects in disgust myself, I can definately relate!!!
  18. You mean the pics of my custom Milia VF-17S toy? They are still showing up OK for me on page 1 of this thread. Graham 356692[/snapback] I think he means the scans you posted... they're not showing up.
  19. I knew this'd happen... I'll be shipping out to boot camp right about when this ship's out to me!!! Curse you Toynami!!!
  20. Haterist has it right... I accomplish this by adding and removing the fastpack thrusters simultaneously, pushing or pulling on them with equal and symmetrical pressure. Haven't had any problems yet.
  21. No crap, I like haterist and all that, but you both are crying me to sleep... "yawn." I voted yes
  22. This movie was about what I was expecting, but as a time-killer it sufficed. Certain things, like the aesthetic style of the flick kicked ass, but the dialogue blew and the story needed a little more development, an R rating would have improved this flick as the lack of brutality and gore did not quite match up to the smack talk and posturing of most of the characters. In particular I would have liked to see the firey-dog-beasts, maul a few convicts. If I were to make a drinking game out of this movie the rule would be to drink every time Riddick peels off those supercool goggles for dramatic effect, ...and I would be crap-ball hammered by the end of it!!! The most Riddick-ulous part to me was the Tardiscopes (those retard-on-a-leash-with-magnifying-glasses-strapped-to-their-head dudes) which provided inadvertant comic relief that wasn't really needed to begin with. I wanted to love this movie because Pitch Black kicked SO MUCH ass, but was left with a meh feeling. It was still better than Swordfish though, that movie blew a gaggle of gay geese.
  23. Hi all, I preordered all of the DX Amdriver figs and vehicles back in March when they were first announced. My SAL shipment took longer than usual (no biggie) but the real bummer is that it was sent in two boxes; one with the vehicles, which arrived a week ago, and the other one with the figs (I assume) which still has not arrived. Should I be worried about this or should I wait longer? Thanks, B-
  24. I'd say the VF-11b was pretty irksome at first as well...
  25. Dude, that's just wrong... didja' beat his ass? It WAS a present, which is EXACTLY why I don't wanna' break it... I didn't wanna shell out the fundage to buy it the first time, and I sure as hell don't wanna' pay to replace it!!! How's little Nico?
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