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Posts posted by A_Man_and_a_Woman?!

  1. Ain't that the truth!? :)

    I've been trying to pick up his artbooks. I've missed so much and he's one of my favorites.

    Mine too and he just keeps getting better. It's pretty cool to see his evolution as an artist from the early 80's to the present. The moment I found out Macross the First were Mikimoto books, I went straight to eBay.

  2. *bumps*

    my big Macross project is about to be completed, after two years since I started it . You all will see it finished this week, which I am on my holidays , after so long....

    Here is Silvie Gena , one of the last portraits I made of each of the characters :)


    This is going to be epic!

  3. I think that might be a distinct possibility. It’s quite possible that overcome with guilt he also becomes the MC in his full right. Although with the ill will created by his recent actions I doubt a large part of the fandom would accept him as such.

    I felt bad for him but I wasn't really a fan of his character. I think Slaine hit the point of no return with that finale. To be honest, that last episode made him more interesting to me as a character and I would watch his arc as an MC if only out of morbid curiosity.

  4. This was bought a while back for an insanely good price, but it was for my birthday so I only just got to see it. It was mint and sealed so I debated long and hard whether or not to open it... opening it won! So behold, my very own VB-6 SP! :D

    And it...



    (sorry for so picture overload, but you know... this IS the "show off your awesome new toy" thread! haha)

    God... that is so hot!

  5. Indeed. After the end credits there was a very brief teaser and the promise of more episodes in January.

    Then again, if the time skip rumors are true... :p

    Crap. I have to watch through the end credits again- I think I zoned out after the epilogue right before the credits started rolling.

    I guess it's an excuse to watch it again. I really did enjoy it that much.

  6. So wait... there is going to be a season two???

    Someone posted in another thread that the series suffered from being a truncated version of the manga. I thoroughly enjoyed it because I am starving for a good anime with mechs in it. The last one I gave a go was Captain Earth and it lost me after 5 episodes- I can't get passed how ridiculous the villains are.

    I'm glad there is going to be a season two because that was a holy-crap finale for me!

    And Slaine bugs me in the same way that Armin (AoT) bugs me so I'm sure he has a bunch of emo American fans because blond hair...

  7. I liked the lack of Godzilla to a point. There is a pedigree in monster movies to not show the monster to the end... but Kaiju are a bit different in that they are somewhat heroic. They went way too far with it imo.

    Especially after the 6 months of teasing.

    I tend to agree but, with how much they teased with the trailers, I wasn't expecting as many "teases" in the actual film. That being said, it didn't prevent me from thoroughly enjoying the movie.

    The Mathew Broderick film is a guilty pleasure because it's sooo f*cking stupid but every scene with Jean Reno was ridiculous-candy.

    Here's hoping for more Godzilla screen time in the second movie!


  8. I'm glad I backed this. I hope that it can open the doors for some other screenwiters/directors that might want to do a project that is not considered "safe" by the classic anime production consortiums.

    It's gotten over 100 grand more than the goal with almost 43 hours to go.

    Edit: 878 thousand with over 12,000 backers was the final tally. A big success by any measure. They're now opening up on Paypal too to see if they reach their secondary objectives. I've been hearing that Netflix and Crunchyroll are interested in this too.

    That would be sweet if Crunchyroll or Netflix backed this- we all saw how successful Knights of Sidonia was. I'm stoked I backed this; I almost didn't because I get iffy about production KickStarters, except for Reading Rainbow.

    I'm digging how involved the backer email updates are. It's comforting to see how transparent and honest they are being about the production.

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