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Everything posted by AcroRay

  1. Just be careful that if you accidentally drop it onto a hard surface, it isn't from a height of greater than 4 stories. Other than that, though, you should be fine! Oh, don't shoot the gun-pod into your eye. The missile will probably stick in pretty deep!
  2. You're quite welcome! Word is that the figure is based on the Microman MicroAction Asuka Langley Soryu figure - which would explain the shoulder buildup and the red in the inner shoulder joint. There's probably MicroAction Rei Ayanami for white parts mixed in there as well, and it looks to me like the torso & legs are white Microman Material Microlady L+ parts - since of course neither Asuka or Rei have b00bs like Klan... and the legs seem to lack the extra ankle and thigh rotation joints that the Eva girls' Microman bodies have. All of that is pretty easy to get on eBay, although you might have to go through a couple of different sellers. There's one seller from Japan who sells lots of Material stock on eBay. If you buy though her, ask if she can get you Asuka & Rei as well. Might save yourself some hassle. No idea about the head, though. some kind'a gashapon or other collectible PVC figure. Might even come with the helmet - especially since the helmet looks like paint over softer plastic (a little goopy). I don't think its one of the road-force figures, or any of the recent takusotsu-series figures that were using Microman bodies. The face may not even go with the helmet.
  3. D4mn! Just started, and I have to leave on a shoot in 3 minutes.
  4. I believe that's one of Bandai's early reissues of Imai's 1/100 Armored 1J plastic kit. It should be in the MW plastic kit section under Bandai.
  5. Just to clarify - I don't own this. The image link was sent to me by a fellow Microman collector. Just what Microlady parts were used, I can't be sure. The head probably comes from a gashapon figure. The body looks like Microlady Eris, but there may be other figure bits used as well (body parts are interchangeable among various models in the line.). Not certain where the helmet comes from, either. If I find out, I'll post more info.
  6. Sort of a cross over with my Microman hobby, sent to be by a buddy who's also a Macross fan & Microman collector. Flight suit Klan (I still prefer "Kuran"...) with a little tiny Michel and a major modification of Imai's Q-Rau kit to fit the figure! "http://kandarai.hp.infoseek.co.jp/cgi-bin/micro/img-box/img20080810073109.jpg (don't click the link, but rather cut and paste it to avoid being redirected by infoseek's anti-hotlink detection)" Courtesy of my pal Microbry. http://rockettubes.livejournal.com/
  7. Save up your chewed bubble gum for surface details....
  8. For a GI Joe or Dragon scale figure. (Kind of like Henshin Cyborg...) But that would probably be a discussion for another thread...
  9. Perhaps someone would be willing to make a conversion kit or two. Like a Bretai head shoes & belt buckle, leaving the builder to make his uniform....
  10. Wow, that's amazing, Cap! Look at that familiar Kamjin smirk - this'll be great!
  11. Hahahaha! (Thanks, Lynn2009, for the translation!)
  12. Too cool! (Have to join the forum to see the SDF, though.) I've been tracking down Macross paper models for a while. There are a number of Valks out there, a couple of smaller Destroids and of course the Monster kit,. I've also found a Regult and a Glaug, as well as a non-transformable SDF and the Mom's Kitchen transport plane. Of course, I wonder if the giant Robotech SDF-1 pressboard model from the 80s counts as a card model...?
  13. "Stage fright - go 'way... This is my BIG DAY! This is my time to be a STAR!"
  14. Looks like Bandai is continuing their reissues of the classic 80's Macross kits from Imai & Arii, judging by the prices. HLJ lists what looks like reissues of the 1/72 Battroid VF-1S & 1J, as well as Fighter 1S 1J & 1A "SP" (probably "Super Pack"), due out next month. Here's a couple: http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN956855 http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN956858 Much as I love those old kits, there's absolutely no shortage of them in the world and any serious modeler would probably want Hasegawa's versions instead. C-mon, Bandai, roll out some 1/72 Destroids or some Glaugs & Regults, or the Queal-Quallie. Yeesh...
  15. Yes, I believe that's one of the selections of images John is working with!
  16. Amazing! Its great to see a pro work. Thank you for taking all the effort to allow us to look over your shoulder! I think, however, you might want to re-consider the facial scar. If you're seeing it in the unarmored line art and the helmeted closeup of him, that's an artifact indicating a shading area - the shadow of his nose on the cheek opposite the image's "light source" (3/4 roll-off, we call it in photography and cinematography). Using PERFECT MEMORY as a reference, you'll also see it on Exesdore and other characters in the lineart section - particularly those turned slightly off-camera. Kamjin's face, I believe, is supposed to be unusually smooth and even (for a Zentraedi, pretty-boy that he is), which you'll see in the animation art. However, I know you want to interpret his face in a more realistic fashion, so I'll leave that up to the master!
  17. AcroRay

    More Customs

    Interesting work on the Low-Vis 1S. Oddly, it looks like the color scheme of the Happy Well knockoff 1/55...
  18. I like "Kuran"... I think it sounds sexier.
  19. Just two for me thus: 1st edition VF-11b with broken & repaired hips (stronger now, at least!) that I really like. 1st edition DYRL Hikaru VF-1A, second owner. At some future point I hope to add Destroids, Q-Raus and a VF-0 to my collection.
  20. Supplier I've kept on file, although I haven't done any waterslide decals myself: http://www.decalpaper.com/default.asp ...They've also got some instructions and guides for you as well.
  21. Thanks! I'm not sure which one I'll build next, though. The fighter VF-1D I got was molded in a deep blue/green, which sort of nixes the fun of an easy build since its not molded in either of the spec colors. I had no luck whatsoever with the Armored VF-1A, which is a Nichimo VF-1J 1/200 kit with an icky 1A head added by the bootlegger. The first one I got was cast in a nice forest green, but was missing half of a thigh. The second I got was cast in a different green, but the front torso half is mis-molded - half of it is missing because plastic didn't fill the whole cavity. Both of my Armored 1J kits are nice, though, and cast in a dark gray. So I'll probably build one of those next if any.
  22. Crosspost from my other thread: Spent a couple of hours this past weekend building another of those knockoff Super Space-Time Models 1/170 kits. The project was the Gerwalk VF-1J! Molded in gray, cut-them-yerself paper stickers, snap-tite construction! Hanging with knockoff Sempai, old-school heroes!
  23. Another Super Space-Time Models buildup to add - the 1/170 VF-1J Gerwalk! This was molded in gray, so it only required a little paint. Only thing is, the kit design (both this and the original) looks terrible, so careful paint applications helped make it a little nicer. Canopy is sky blue, spec from the kit's Japanese instructions. The seams and joining on this one was horrible, and I had to glue & clamp the arms to even keep them together. The stickers were a little funky, with caution orange instead of red, and yellow in place of the white field in the UN Spacey kite (which was also upside-down on the left wing stripe). The screw-heads were a pain to cut out, but a little gray Gundam marker around the edges cured the exposed white area from the thick paper, and one of my kids' red watercolor markers cured the same problem on the white stripes. Old-School Heroes! Hanging out with Sempai's Battroid knockoff... Good couple of hours of nostalgic fun with this one.
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