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  1. I'd be willing to pay that much for a Yamato Valkyrie haha
  2. I can wait, I'm patient. I just really like Yamato toys, I mean if there's no chance it'll ever happen I'll just buy the Bandai ones.
  3. Sorry, I'm no good at titles for threads. I'm new here and I thought as my first post I would ask a question that has been on my mind. Will Yamato ever have a chance of obtaining the Frontier license? And even if they could, would they? I would assume so or at least that's what I hope. The Bandai toys aren't really to my taste plus the fact that they made the armour parts web exclusive which I'm not happy about. I think Yamato could easily but Bandai to shame and I would buy a Yamato Frontier toy in a heartbeat. So what do you guys think?
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