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Everything posted by Nazareno2012

  1. There is a treaty preventing invasion of inhabited worlds, which became an issue in the Frontier movie regarding the invasion of the Vajra planet.
  2. According to the non-canon Variable Fighter Master File, the VF-25 is in use outside the Frontier fleet. I guess the canon continuity took a page (pun unintended) from Master File.
  3. Not to mention that the Embraer Super Tucano is a popular choice for that type of mission. I wonder why Argentina asked for the T-6C, if they could just buy from Brazil instead.
  4. In fairness the VF-31 and SV-262 both have different variants with different onboard equipment. It's not just the paint jobs that are different.
  5. I think it's fanservice, notice that all the members of Walkure each have their unique outfits, but Mirage's outfit is very similar to Mikumo's.
  6. And that brings us back to the multi-role F-14 proposals, such as the Advanced Super Tomcat 21:
  7. Yes, and it should been possible in reality but AMRAAM integration to the F-14 was cancelled AFAIK.
  8. It is artistic license on the part of the modellers. The actual proposals don't have them:
  9. In fairness the rocket belt has some resemblance to a climbing harness, so it makes *some* sense. However it is still very much geared towards fan service.
  10. Just one thing I noticed, why do most electronic warfare VF's in Macross have a rotating radome (and sometimes a seperate ELINT array) when you could have a more compact, non-rotating AESA dorsal radar pod that combines both active search and passive ELINT detection in one system (like the Saab Erieye and Boeing 737 AEW&C)? It also avoids the complicated folding mechanism required by the VF-31E's radome.
  11. Two other variants of my fan-made VF-32 variable fighter: VF-32S: RVF-32: Background info on the VF-32: The VF-32 Viper was developed by Sukhoi and manufactured by St. Barbara Armaments of Alexandria for the Order of Saint Mark to replace the VF-19OSM in OSM service since 2046 (the VF-19's have been transferred to the NUNS forces in Alexandria). The VF-32 is derived from the YF-24 but has some features from the YF-30 and VF-31, such as the beam gunpod and some electronics. Unlike other 5th-generation variable fighters, the VF-32 features a wrap-around cockpit in all modes, just like the preceding VF-19, allowing for superior situational awareness for the pilot. The VF-32's add on modules, the Super Pack and Armor Pack are both capable of atmospheric use, though the VF-32's speed is reduced when using the Armor Pack in an atmosphere. The VF-32's prototype, the YF-32 first flew from the Uraga class carrier St. Mina in 2066 and the production VF-32 entered service in 2069.
  12. I think they "actually" (not holographically projected) wear their uniform over those undergarments. While those undergarments IMO are not good for safety (the rockets could burn the wearer's legs), they are surely good for fan service!
  13. If NUNS federal forces do appear in the show, it should be towards the end (maybe at episode 25 or 26) and would act as reinforcements when Chaos and all the local forces are already on the verge of defeat. Just like in the second Frontier movie with forces from other colony fleets instead of federal forces.
  14. They are sure not blocked here in the Philippines, as I had watched them. I bet the videos are not blocked in all of Asia.
  15. The carrier in the picture is an Indian Navy carrier, and their carriers in service and under construction have ski jumps to acommodate the MiG-29K.
  16. If the Aerial Knights proceed in actually attacking a NUNS core world, such as Eden or Earth, it will be interesting to see what central NUNS is using, as they are implied to have the best equipment. Also, they would most likely have more competent pilots than in backwater areas, and if they have a really good pilot like Isamu, I don't think the Aerial Knights would come back from that mission alive.
  17. There was a proposed multirole version of the Tomcat, but it has been passed over in favor of the Super Hornet. However, naval versions of the F-15 or Eurofighter Typhoon would be very interesting for me if built.
  18. Beatrice AFV family: The Beatrice Mobile Gun System is canon (from Macross Frontier) but the Infantry Fighting Vehicle (with 55 mm caseless telescoped autocannon) and Ambulance are made up by me, as similar 8x8 vehicles (such as the Patria AMV and Stryker/LAV) have those variants, and it is reasonable the Beatrice would have too.
  19. Actually, in space ships and fighters are very maneuverable and could do stuff like a 90 or 180 degree turns, flying backwards, etc. Just see Episode 6 of Delta where Messer and Keith dogfight and Mirage flies backwards while shooting.
  20. A logical explanation, based on the position of the various small turrets on the Macross ships, is that when in Attack Mode, all guns could be fired in a frontal "broadside".
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