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Everything posted by Nazareno2012

  1. The second part of Macross Alexandria: The Sagittarius War: Macross Alexandria: The Sagittarius War Part 2: Road to War (PDF Download) WARNING: This story deals with themes such as political views expressed by some characters in the story, religious extremism and state-sponsored terrorism that may offend certain readers, so reader discretion is advised. Don't tell me I didn't warn you! Spoiler-free summary: Some notes: I am currently working on the third (and last) part of this story and on another story, Macross Alexandria: Manifest Destiny. This story will allow me to test some ideas that I will include in Macross Alexandria: Manifest Destiny, such as land combat with infantry and armored fighting vehicles such as Destroids, which I first explored in detail in Macross Alexandria: A Tanker's Tale but will refine in this story.
  2. Why does 'San Fransisco' at Island 1 in Frontier only have the cable car and some kind of people mover, not a higher-capacity transport system like MUNI and BART in present-day San Fransisco? I know the cable car is more recognizable but the large population in Island 1 (around 5 million) calls for a higher-capacity transport system. No wonder why there are traffic jams in Island 1!
  3. A new fanfic that I wrote, about a war between the Alexandrian Union and another colony in the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy: Macross Alexandria: The Sagittarius War Part 1: The Attack (PDF Download) WARNING: This story deals with themes such as political views expressed by some characters in the story, religious extremism and state-sponsored terrorism that may offend certain readers, so reader discretion is advised. Don't tell me I didn't warn you! Spoiler-free summary: Some notes: This story is loosely based on the plot of Macross Delta but has elements like idol singers and Protoculture ruins removed, dealing instead with politics and religious extremism. For instance Part 1 of this story is based on Episode 1 of Delta. I am working on another story to follow this one, titled Macross Alexandria: Manifest Destiny, which would deal with imperialism and colonialism. I am working on it along with the second part of Macross Alexandria: The Sagittarius War.
  4. I like gritty and realistic stories (my own Macross Alexandria fanfic series for instance). As for realism in my stories I follow real-life military doctrine (for example using "Fox" brevity codes in air combat) as well as using Newtonian physics in space combat (for example Valkyries and ships can spin around to fire on a target in space). My stories feature some scenes with swearing and gore for added grittiness. I like crossovers, especially with other science fiction works.
  5. For a future upgrade for the F-15 I think it will be better to replace AMRAAM with Meteor, which has higher performance.
  6. A short story fanfic about ground forces in the Macross universe, and a tie-in with my previous story Macross Alexandria: The Colonial War (a crossover with Battlestar Galactica 2003): Macross Alexandria: A Tanker's Tale (PDF Download) Spoiler-free summary: Some notes: As Macross is an aviation-centric franchise focusing on variable fighters, ground forces are not given much attention and I think that it would be a good idea to write a story about ground forces in the Macross setting. That's why I included a design of a variable Destroid that transforms into a tank in this story. I also included a special forces unit called the NUNS Space Paratroopers in this story (and also in Macross Alexandria: The Colonial War), which is inspired by the Mobile Infantry from Starship Troopers and the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers from Halo. I am currently working on a crossover with Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles, which would be about the SDF-3 ending up in the Macross universe (in Alexandrian Union territory at the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy).
  7. Upon closer inspection, the "G36" rifles used by the NUN forces and Windermere have similarities with the Pindad SS2 rifle, which is based on the FN FNC like the Ak 5 I mentioned earlier. The similarities include the stock and the position of the charging handle.
  8. Ikaw Lang Patihan Ko by Last Rhyme Entertainment (a Hiligaynon rap love song):
  9. That looks more like a MRAP rather than an APC to me: As for the Windermerian rifles, they resemble the Bofors Ak 5 with a G36 carrying handle/top Picatinny rail and stock:
  10. A variant of the VF-32 and a UCAV from my Macross Alexandria fanfic universe: Sukhoi VF-32S Viper with Mikoyan AIF-12 Seraph UCAV: The VF-32 Viper can be equipped with the Mikoyan AIF-12 Seraph UCAV in place of each of its Super Pack boosters as part of its Super Pack system. The AIF-12 Seraph is a multirole UCAV that is intended to be carried by variable fighters for use as boosters and armament packs when docked and as an independent combat unit when undocked. The AIF-12 is armed with 2 light particle beam cannons and 2 micro missile launchers with 18 missiles each.
  11. For the record there was some mecha action in Episode 22 and Episode 24, but your point about the lack of mecha action in Delta still stands.
  12. That's why I think particle beam weapons are better than laser weapons as the particles in a particle beam create more damage than photons in a laser beam. More info on this can be found in the Atomic Rockets website.
  13. Great news, just hope this does not end up being as crappy as Delta. As someone who watches Macross for the mecha and ship designs, that means more mecha action and ship battles than Delta had.
  14. A variable Destroid family from my Macross Alexandria fanfic: The Warhammer family of variable Destroids was developed in the early 2060's as a replacement for the various Destroids in service in the Alexandrian Union Army and Alexandrian Union Marine Corps. While other armed forces in New Unified Government space have phased out Destroids in favor of variable fighters, the Alexandrian Union Armed Forces have recognized the versatility of a lightweight Destroid for urban combat. Taking advantages of technology from fifth-generation variable fighters, such as linear actuators for smoother transformation from Tank mode to Destroid mode as well as more advanced energy conversion armor, the Warhammer Destroid family has superior performance to earlier Destroids. VMBR-10 Warhammer: A variable Main Battle Robot developed as a replacement for the Tomahawk Destroid. It is armed with 2 arm-mounted particle beam guns and 16 micro-missiles as main armament, as well as a coaxial 30 mm autocannon and head turret-mounted 12.7 mm and 8.6 mm machine guns. It is equipped with manipulators similar to those found on variable fighters. VADR-10 Warhammer-AA: A variable Air Defense Robot developed as a replacement for the Defender and Cheyenne II Destroids. It is armed with 2 arm-mounted 35 mm Gatling guns and 10 short range surface-to-air missiles, as well as head turret-mounted 12.7 mm and 8.6 mm machine guns. It is equipped with a short-range AESA air search radar and AESA fire control radar. VASR-10 Warhammer-FH: A variable Artillery Support Robot developed to complement towed 155 mm howitzers. It is armed with 2 155 mm railguns with 20 rounds capacity for each gun that can fire all 155 mm artillery shells fitted with a sabot, as well as head turret-mounted 12.7 mm and 8.6 mm machine guns. It is capable of Multiple-Round Simultaneous Impact (MRSI) artillery bombardment due to its high rate for fire and precise fire control system. VMLR-10 Warhammer-ML: A variable Multiple Launch Rocket Robot developed as a replacement for the Destroid Phalanx. Unlike the Phalanx, it is equally adept for use in an atmosphere as well as in space. It is armed with 2 rocket pods with 6 rockets each, as well as head turret-mounted 12.7 mm and 8.6 mm machine guns. The rocket pods are usually loaded with artillery bombardment rockets for atmospheric use and anti-aircraft rockets for space use. VARR-10 Warhammer-AR: An Armored Recovery Robot designed for recovery of other Destroids, as well as use as an engineering vehicle. It is basically an armored variable Workoid. It is armed with head turret-mounted 12.7 mm and 8.6 mm machine guns. It is equipped with manipulators similar to those found on variable fighters, as well as various attachments such as winches, shovels and dozer blades.
  15. For the record there was an aircraft that looked basically like a flying brick, the Northrop Tacit Blue: Makes Macross VF's look more flyable in comparison. It also reminds me of the RC-4 Rabbit, which is equally boxy.
  16. IMO, it is not really the reduced ammunition size that makes it cheaper but whether that ammunition is commonly available.
  17. Aside from using overtechnology materials, the Macross-type ships have a gravity control system so that they can stay upright in Attack Mode without falling apart.
  18. But it is at the expense of protection for the pilot. Compare the Windermere pilot being caught in the exploding SV-262 in Episode 6 to Hayate being caught in his exploding VF-31J in Episode 13. While Hayate's jetpack got damaged, his EX-Gear was able to protect him from the explosion of his VF-31J, while only suffering minor injuries.
  19. The next chapter of Macross Alexandria: The Colonial War (crossover with Battlestar Galactica 2003): Part 4: Escalation (PDF Download) I am already writing Part 5, as well as conceptualizing my next fanfic, which will be a crossover with Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles. It will be a return to my original plan to write short stories.
  20. CD-R King sells fan controllers (availability will depend on the stock in their stores though), but they are only available with 3-pin connectors, so you will need an adapter.
  21. For the record, the Tavor is also available in a 9 mm caliber SMG variant.
  22. You can try LXLE as well, though it is just a tweaked version of Lubuntu. Operating systems using the XFCE desktop environment could also run fast on a netbook, though not as fast as the LXDE desktop environment. I have installed Ubuntu and Debian with XFCE desktop environment on netbooks and they run quite fast, faster than Windows 7 Starter originally installed on the netbooks.
  23. Cal-141 from the anime Halo Legends resembles Sheryl Nome to some extent: Now all we need is a picture of Sheryl wearing a green military-type EX-Gear
  24. The next chapter of Macross Alexandria: The Colonial War (crossover with Battlestar Galactica 2003): Part 3: The Battle of New Assyria (PDF Download) I am already writing Part 4, part of which will be a continuation of the battle that takes place in Part 3.
  25. A good idea for writing a fanfic without worrying about canon is to use your own characters and maybe your own setting within the Macross universe.
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