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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Hello All, I have not been posting or working on my model much because I have a new addiction and its initials are KSP. I will pick on the model again someday. Anyways I cam across this fan film and it is just awesome! The 3D veritech is more awesome! I had a notion to build out the internals like in the video, but I am just a team of 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlvPR9XeZik enjoy! check out my blog for updates and other stuff!
  2. Just saw "Pacific Rim" It was awesome and spectacular! Go see it! Support giant robot movies!
  3. Of coarse this is a pointless endeavor but the name of this post is not "state the obvious". This is after all just a hobby for me. I knew one day I would have to ask the question so why not ask it? What could it hurt? and sarcasm is like a second language to me so I am right there with you ;-p This is the greatest thing I ever saw!
  4. Mighty nice of you. It takes a big man to admit he is difficult and stubborn. It take a bigger man to laugh at that man. Next time, If you propose to lecture someone on the "design problem(s) of modeling a VF-1 in 3D" be sure to bring your own 3D model. After all (read the top of the post) that is who this post is geared towards, people with 3D work
  5. I did the measurements and numbers on the Yamato VF-1 1/60 and got similar results. I did not make a 3D model because I have to scan manually and these things are wonderfully complicated. My hope with this post is for other 3D artists, with different versions of the VF-1 to share there experience. This is the Yamato I have. This is not me in the vid :-D. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc2O60smdm8 One day I hope to get a 1/42. If I can get my hands on a desktop 3D Scanner I would just to scan Valkyries all day. I would also be able to scan the pilot figure and scale the entire thing to it. This would give us a more accurate real world length of the plane. My bet is it won't be 14.2m.
  6. Wow MrB Welcome back and congrats on finding exciting employment. I hope that you get get a chance to pick up on your VF-1. looking forward to it. Don't stay away too long. infosizzle
  7. I think a few can’t think in 3D. Maybe I can help put things into perspective - In a project like this (scaling up a toy model) real world objects like a pilot, ejector seat, landing gear and tires are definable, relatable constants one can import into a 3D program, unlike a fictional plane. Now take any VF-1 model and 3D scan the external surfaces to get a 3D mesh. The scale tool in the program will keep the mesh proportional as we increase the length of the model to 14.2m. At that length you will find that no amount of engineering or stretch of the imagination will make those real world objects fit in the defined space and you will have to face the obviousness of the truth. “I think your priority list of "design compromises" is the thing most people can't fathom. Most seem to wonder why you're placing so much priority on the front landing gear at the expense of everything else. In fact, its seems you're willing to compromise the nose, the cockpit, the intakes, the legs, the arms, almost the entire design of the craft (including running back to the inaccurate Bandai 1/55s) just to find a design that fits the front landing gear. This in an exercise in designing an entire VF-1 around front landing gear while deprioritizing every other design problem of modeling a VF-1 in 3D, even the problems that demand higher priority. If I'm correct, I think that's why most are criticizing/rejecting your rationale.” This you have completely made up and is absurd. I haven’t compromised a thing. I have stated in my posts this is an accurate scan of the 1/55 and I can’t change anything on it because that would compromise the transformations. There is no running back to the 1/55 it is the 1/55 and the 1/55 is not "inaccurate". Designing around the landing gear is false, 1: I haven’t designed anything it was scanned, 2: the landing gear and the pilot where the last thing to be added after the scan was complete. The proportional size of the entire model was increased until the pilot and gear fit (see pics up top) nothing was compromised. You give your self too much credit if you think you’re going deter me. Everyone is welcome to their opinion in this world.
  8. That's nice work Z :-)
  9. WOW!, I had not read this entire post before starting mine. There are a lot of good points here, especially the real world observations and reports. I am glad I am not the only one to have noticed it, I felt like I was taking crazy pills! Have a look at the work I’ve done on the subject at my post. I invite you to draw your own conclusions, http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38772 And have a look at my blog for more of my work. http://maxharddrive.blogspot.com/
  10. Nice podcast. I could talk about Valkyries for hours too but if you could cut to the part where there is evidence on how they arrived at a length of 14m, it would help move this post along. You did state that the designation of 1/55 scale was largely made up. I tend to agree with you. I always assumed the length of 14m was also made up or at least an educated guesstimation. I think you are putting words in my post. I haven’t seen any one here claim any one model is the end-all-be-all best. Nor did I ever think there'd be so much 1/55 bashing going on. There are just different versions of the same fictional plane, so none of them are really inaccurate. A stated length of 14m is not an inaccuracy of the model only a miscalculation in scale. Using the 1/55 as an example it should be obvious that a length of 14m is a problem for any version, measurements of the yamato 1/60 confirm this. One only needs to look at the real life examples f-14 and f-18 for a “landing gear under the pilot, twin engine, carrier based” configuration to see that a length of 14m is just not feasible. A more realistic length would be longer then an f-18 but shorter then an f-14. It certainly doesn’t have to be the length I arrived at but it can’t be 14m. If I had to vote for best Valkyrie, it would be the 1/55, but that is a topic for another post.
  11. Here I was hoping someone would site more official sources.
  12. Think in 3D. When he completes his model, he can make it what ever size he wants in his 3D program. He can make it 14m; he can make it 14cm. What doesn't change is the size of a pilot. I had never seen a Bandai High Complete Model 1/72. Now that I have, I can say that it is the worst VF-1 model I have ever seen. What is up with that back pack? I am pretty sure it is not supposed to be like that. How do you know the 1/55 is inaccurate?
  13. I don't have one of these. I have a Yamato 1/60. I did the measurements on it and got the same results. Being a sleeker design, smaller model and having more units per scale the life size pilot model did not appear to do much better when it was scaled up to 14m. If you would like to send me your 1/72 I would be glad to run the measurements for you. ;-)
  14. Hey! don't call my post names, my post never did anything to you! ;-) Of course I want positive reinforcement of my theory, no one starts a post to get shot down (if they can help it). So far I have not valid arguments.
  15. Speaking of Transformers, GI Joe and Robotech :-D The only thing that would make this more awesome is if He-Man was the pilot!
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