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Everything posted by jet660

  1. Penguin - I checked Macross Compendium. Here's the link: http://macross.anime.net/production/animat...plus/index.html The release date for both int and manga version are pretty close. Even though the jp was release was much earlier. I think you could say "original release" for the English version. BTW where did you get the individual dvds for Mac +? It is unlikely the remaster series will have the English dub part, but you can always hope for one
  2. Here's my macross collection part 1 Also my transformer collection for the premier of Transformer the movie. More to come!! Enjoy!
  3. Milspex - I have seen handful of Japanese imported dvds sub in English. A few examples are the original Gundam Movies, Gundam 0083 5.1 ch box set, and Studio Ghilibi movies. It is a really short list. You can say it is still a small number compared to how many anime are produced every month. You be surprise there were a few dubbed anime in the past. Regarding to Macross, DYRL? movie there was actually a dub version of it in the past, which was okay ( I seen worst though ). In more recent years, Macross Plus did come out with there international version LD series before Manga Ent. came out with there version (which was dub). If one decides to do it, I believe it is a fan service for the audience. I don't think it takes alot of money and time to do it. Companies producing them (should) know what kind of audience they are marketing for. My solution: Study Macross (anime) history, young grasshopper Zinjo - how would having Mac+ on Blu Ray be able to bypass US copyright laws? The Shade- I don't think there is a spambot here. If there is one, I call the spambusters I am sure there is a few of us planning to buy the remasters dvd. Isamu- I hope those cds get remastered. Sadly don't have any recent info yet.
  4. Just saw this a couple of days ago. Courtesy of CDjapan Macross Maximum Box! Description CD box set commemorating the 25th anniversary of the "Macross" series includes TV series intro theme "Macross ," theatrical feature theme "Ai Oboete Imasuka," TV series "Macross 7" intro theme "Seventh Moon," Macross 7 outro theme "My Friends," theatrical feature Macross 7 add-in track "Heart & Soul," special series 15th anniversary single "Friends - Jiku wo Koete," OVA Macross Dynamite 6 add-in track "Dynamite Explosion," PlayStation game Macross VF-XS main theme "Get Free," and bonus disc with Macross addi-in track "Watashi no Kare wa Pilot" both original version by Mari Ishima plus covers frmo ALI Project and Tomo Sakurai. Includes nine CDs total. Release Date: 2007/08/08 Price: 5695yen (US$ 45.87/ 5980yen Tax incl.) Total of 9 discs I guess those new to Macross won't need to get all those individual series cds Kinda strange there is no mention of Macross Plus or Zero. It should be in it though e_jacob77 - It is good news, I just hope (really really hope) they add the subs/dubs into it. Making my preorder even worthwhile. Zinjo - Sadly there fewer and fewer quality shows around. Companies are focusing on making that quick buck now. In the past, animation focused on young adults. Now, the audience have shifted to younger kids. Maybe it suits for them. But we had better animation and toys. hahaha!
  5. Probably they are still alive....barely. They had stiff competition the last few years with other anime companies. There has been a saturation of anime over the years resulting in mediorce storylines, designs, and quality. Once in a while, you will get a good series among the group. In the past, the anime market used to be a niche market with selected domestic companies, now it is inflated quite a bit. Zinjo - I would love to have Bluray box version of it. Sadly the cost of those disks and dvd players are not cheap now. That would burn a bigger hole in my paycheck.
  6. cool8or - R2 is Region 2, Japanese Imported disk are Region 2. US is Region 1 Zinjo - Since when American companies started thinking outside the box? I agree with you about it. However, it may take months to years to get a definitive domestic box set to come out in the states. This year is Macross 25th Anniv. Sadly, there is no news Manga Ent as of right now. Maybe they are planning something or maybe not. I think in Japan, Bandai Visual/Ent does it for its fans. Granted there is money involved and profits to be made, but it is out there as a service to all Macross fans. Area88 Sadly, I stop buying domestic JP anime a long time ago. Either it was issues with the video quality, editing, dubbing, or just the lame packing appeal. I must admit the cost is WAY WAY cheaper and having the subtitles brings piece of mind to the viewers. JB0 - In your opinion then, is it possible to have 2 OVA in each disk with HD capabilities on it? bigkid24 - The other half of it is paying for our yamato toys
  7. Here is the link from cdjapan http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-3048 It does state it will be HD remastered. I am just not sure it will be widescreen though. It just say standard ratio. Kensei - I think it could be legal issues regarding subtitle format. The subtitle version of Mac+ came from Manga Entertainment to meet the demands of subtitle anime. When you look at the Bandai anime video catalog, there are 2 versions which aims at the Japanese and the International (English) audiences. I am not sure if Manga Entertainment still have rights to Macross Plus in the US today. IF it still does, Manga Entertainment may have their version of it. I would not be surprise if they decide to do that. Ironically, Bandai/Emotion Mac+ International and the ME dvds has the same audio track in English. Which me wonder why they don't include it this box set. It would have more appeal to international buyers.
  8. Courtesy of Anime News Service 5-7-07 (7:29AM EDT)---- Macross Plus - Macross 7 HD Remaster / PCM Audio Versions Headed For R2 DVD As part of the Macross 25th anniversary project, both the Macross Plus OVA's / Movie and the Macross 7 TV / OVA's / Movie are going to be released to R2 DVD in Japan toawards the end of summer courtesy Bandai Visual. The Macross Plus Remaster Box will consist of OVA's 1-4 and the movie on 3 1 sided dual layer discs and 1 single sided single layer omake disc (289 minutes / 30 minutes on the omake disc). Audio will be Linear PCM stereo (excluding DISC 3 which will feature Linear PCM surround. Retail is 15,540 Yen. Release is August 24th. Macross 7 will deploy in 2 remaster box set installments. Box 1 will inlcude 8 single sided dual layer discs (eps. 1-30 / 787 minutes) for 39,900 Yen. Release is September 25th. Box 2 also inlcudes 8 single sided dual layer discs (707 minutes) for 39,900 Yen. Release is October 26th. All video is being sourced from high def remastered sources. For Macross Plus, this will represent the highest quality audio and video conversion publicly available on a home video format for at least a several years to come. Full PCM audio useage is extremely rare on DVD. Extras include the FMV sequences from the PSX videogame. A 24 page booklet will also be included as a bonus along with the storage box. This set will be a limited production commodity and will be pulled from the market on August 24, 2008. The Macross 7 set will also be limited edition and will be pulled on September 25, 2008. Discs will be encased in a digipack case with 8 illustrations cortesy original character designer Haruhiko Mikimoto. A 24 page booklet and several new music video clips will be extras. Did anyone get this information???? I didn't see it on any recent posts. This been out for awhile Am I the first to announce it? It comes with HD video!!!! I preordered my Macross Plus Box. Did you reserved yours yet?
  9. Thanks. I understand what you mean about being barred under NDA from Big West. Just kinda strange that there has been alot of things would have deem to be "newsworthy" over the last year especially in the past couple of months. Right?
  10. Can anyone tell me what happen with Macross Compendium creator Egan Loo? Did he retire from his website? I missed his usual updates on his website. Haven't updated for almost a year! Always kept me up to date with latest toys and what nots. Do you know if he will be coming back in the near future?
  11. From the pic, it looks like it does look a bit blocky compare to CM's version. Since I don't have the MPC version, is the mold of the MPC the similar as this version? The hands are a bit small though for holding a big gun!! Color looks good, stands out more. I hope I can actually play with this version. Kinda like Bandai Macross toys. Bulky, but sturdy. Have a feeling CM maybe too delicate to play with.
  12. Here is some more infomation from that website: ■BRAVE alloy 91 /48 [regiosu] with tread CM's this summer sale schedule price undecided * New century alloy 1/48 [regiosu] [aoshima] (miracle house) 10,290 Yen July sale schedules * Non scale stick private [mosupida] <NEW> Mega house this fall sale schedule price undecided ■1/10 variable [mosupida] <NEW> Beagle sale day undecided price undecided Little more info on Aoshima's version: - The new product where [aoshima] adds improvement to toy common MP. - Strengthening the crotch joint, in the left shoulder under addition and chest of missile pod addition of 3 connected missiles. *So indeed, an upgraded/improved version of HG version. It seems that Aoshima will be the first to test the market. I think you have to give credit to Aoshima in sticking with their products. Did anyone encounter an product that failed after improving it? It is like with the first version of yamato's macross 1/48th series. It had all types of QC issues. However, it just got better as time went by. It is true that only time will tell whether Aoshima will succeed or not. HG didn't do what they should have done with its QC. So, I am all for Aoshima in selling a better toy than HG. Hopefully, Aoshima will have better marketing and sells than HG did. I am sure that CM version is likely superior to Aoshima's. Sadly, I think it will be much more expensive than what we think it will be due to material and labor cost now.
  13. I finally decide to preorder the yf-19a with FP. Guess what....they did a stop order. That's what I get for procrastinating too long. Not too worried, I know they will get another batch later this year. I appreciated your guys input. So, Fly, your guess was right. I ended up buying the GP-03S and the Macross Magnets. Here's the link if any of you want to take a look at the Gundam Fix GP-03S. It's pretty big. http://www.amiami.com/shop/ProductInfo/product_id/64494 What do you think?
  14. Meh, I know that the Shin 0A pack does have some minor changes from the stand alone plane, which is why I preorder that pack instead of cannon fodder OA.
  15. Thanks for the comments so far. I know alot of you guys are planning (or not planning) to buy the fast pack. The reason why I posted it because I wasn't sure whether or not the 2nd version of the yf-19a will be any better than the first (probably an error in logical thinking ) just buying the fast pack with it makes it more appealing though. Tough choices to make nowadays.
  16. Hi Guys, Need some help in making a decision whether to buy YF-19a w/ fastpack or just the fastpack only. Saw HLJ selling at a slight discount. I would like my fellow macross members to give me some your input. I already have YF-19a from last Christmas. Money is not a huge factor, but have to work harder to get that new Gundam Fix 0034 - GP-03, if I bought both of them. All comments are appreciated! Thanks!
  17. I am not sure if done this poll before or if is the best to place it here. Maybe in the past you guys did. I am very curious what do Macross fans like to purchase. It is too bad you can list them in order of importance, but you can explain it in your post. I would not be suprise that buying toys is first since the demand and quantity is there. Where as others are harder to find and/or expensive. Then again I could be wrong. Enjoy Anyways, for me as a collector, even though most of my collection is toys (majority Yamato), I like to collect Macross books first, when the price is right though. I don't take too much of a hit to my wallet when buying books at times. The problems I had is finding them, prices, and, knockoffs. I am Macross purist I like to buy original stuff, not the KO stuff. But, I perfectly understand people buy KOs because cheaper and it make sense, b/c I start with it in the beginning. I cherish my books and cd collection more than my toys at the time when Yamato didn't existed.
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