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Everything posted by jet660

  1. Here is MH Yellow Mospeada and Promo poster from HLJ Yellow - http://www.hlj.com/hlj_gallery2/v/wonfest/...C_9593.jpg.html Promo - http://www.hlj.com/hlj_gallery2/v/wonfest/...C_9596.jpg.html Enjoy~!
  2. jet660

    Macross Revoltech

    Macross Revoltech Max and Millia http://www.hlj.com/hlj_gallery2/v/wonfest/...SC_8927.jpg.htm Regult http://www.hlj.com/hlj_gallery2/v/wonfest/...C_9117.jpg.html VF-19 and VF 21 http://www.hlj.com/hlj_gallery2/v/wonfest/...C_8925.jpg.html Enjoy!
  3. That's what i thought. It kinda screws ppl who wants to order them now.
  4. Was just checking my preorders it say Future release for me. Discontinued = future release?
  5. Was just checking my preorders it say Future release for me. Discontinued = future release?
  6. mbs here is the link to the Macross Plus Box http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-3048 DYRL L.E. Box link http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-3170 The only major complaint among fans with the DYRL box is grainy issue. (I believe it is a personal preference how much grain should be there) Is there any other issues? There were only a few that Mac Plus Box was a miss. Those who voted a miss can you elaborate on that?
  7. Thanks for the reminder Graham. I should have said "Mecha" knifefights These bugs/aliens can out run the valks and their micro missiles and guns because of their shield and speed. Hand to hand combat looks interesting. Right now (at least the anime version) they have the slight advantage.
  8. strange, I don't remember seeing that in the episode. looks like a hunting or bowie knife (rambo style?).... up to this point I haven't seen any knife fights in Macross before.
  9. here's the pic and the scene http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZAESJ2hL2c it is at 2:56 You can use a bayonet for hand to hand combat, but that would be suicidal; likewise with a knife as well. I don't know how mauverable a vf can be for CQC. In fighting those aliens in Macross F, you probably have to nail right at the head (canopy?) to kill it.
  10. Hey Jenius, Did you forget about Macross Plus Ep.1 where Isamu knifed a power armor while using the vf-11? Blood came out first before it exploded.
  11. I agree. I picked up my DYRL box on Dec. 31 and started watching HD version. I was impressed. However, I was disappointed with the special features dvd. Alot of them I have seen from 20th dvd version. The "Macross Presents" commerical was badly copied. They could have found a cleaner one. It did not include any Tak or Bandai commericals. It was great to see linear art and story board book included in the box set. I wished BV expanded their Mac Plus box set similar to DYRL version one.
  12. Hi Guys, I hope you guys are having a great holiday and enjoying all the macross stuff you have received this holiday season. I just designed this poll to see how you guys feel about the current Macross DVD box sets that are currently out. Even though there is a previous thread about on them (one of them I wrote ). This thread is more objective. I am curious to see why you feel these sets are hit or miss so far especially on the last question. Plus it helps potential buyers know what they are in for too! Even if you bought only one of them, its okay too! So, start polling! Happy New Year!
  13. Here's hobby search's link to CM Legioss/Tread http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10066542 Regular Price : 28,000 yen Sales Price : 26,600 yen 26,600.00 JPY = 237.519 USD 1 USD = 111.991 JPY Even though their prices are much cheaper, please note the shipping part have not been included. I would think it is gonna be around/close to $300. when did these toys started inflate so much????
  14. Hey Guys, I was wondering if any of you guys who order from cdjapan have not received their DRYL box yet? Mine was "dispatch" from Jp on 26th, but no additional information added. Suppose to arrive in LA already. Anyone having the same issue like me? Had anyone had problems with EMS? Thanks!
  15. here is the cdjapan ad for dyrl?: the memorial box: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-3170 Regular edition: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-3171 Flashback 2012: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-3229 btw I order mine at cdjapan: heafty cost using EMS
  16. The chances that Mac Plus will have the dub version is very remote. There previous box sets had the dub version on it (or so called international version). You have to wonder why BV had it on one, but not the other. I think it is more of a marketing strategy. I think it is gear to the Japanese consumer, rather than the international one (I could be wrong about it ) and dealing with HG licensing issue which complicates it much more. As someone mention it before, many Japanese companies are not known for thinking on a global scale compare to the states. There must be a huge demand or interest in order to make some sort of profit from the international market. Which is why some anime such as GITS came out quick than some others. Mac 0 finished more than 4 years ago. In my own opinion it is highly doubt it will be dub/sub anytime soon. It had a good start, but the ending was anti-climatic (storyline fell apart in part 5). I am sure it left many audiences unsatisfied. It makes me wonder how this 25th anniv. tv series will fair out. I agree with Zinjo, BV are not saying much, which could be they are focusing on other upcoming projects.
  17. i think it was a regular white cake with strawberries for decoration
  18. Since I let this one out of the bag.... I vote pumpkin pie!
  19. Seriously dude, no one wants to argue with you. But you allow other people to write about their personal feelings about the incident. You actually let this one out of the bag because of your actions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions including you. Your actions and judgement may be questionable to say the least. However if we had a MWcon pie fight, I am down with it.
  20. Actually I have a degree in psychology and business in one of most prestigous universities in CA. From what I can tell from the video and your writing, I could label so many things that will make your head spin. Instead, I chose not to because I won't sink to your level of stupidity. So what if he doesn't give you a straight answer his fans? That is his choice. Live with it Not unless you actually get pie first by us.
  21. Have you ever thought of using constructive criticism? If you thinking pieing is a form of constructive criticism, I definitely think you are not a writer. You had a opportunity to have a open one on one dialogue with him about your concerns. What a waste.
  22. Even though you may have qualms or issues with HG how they handle business or their practices, they are seeking out what is best for their interests. You have to understand on their perspective, not yours. HG is doing their best to reach out to their audience with limited funds they have. If you don't like what they are making or producing, you can stop buying their products. In that way you hurt them financially. It is simple as that. HG will know if their fanbase is dropping by their sales. It's like "hey, you are making crappy stuff, do something about it." Not pieing the people making them. If you are writer, then you should know it takes multiple versions of a script to get finalize. All the writers working on the script won't be completely satisfied, but be content because it is a GROUP effort not a individual effort. Regarding to the incident, I think Mr Yune handle it very professionally. He took it with grace regarding to the incident. However, your actions possibly resulted in ruining many anime fans wanting to talk or get close to VIPs for future conventions. It is based on trust and common sense on what to do or not to do. I don't think you realize your actions resulted in serious breaches in security. You may think this is funny, but it is not, especially this day and age.
  23. They are probably going to deny the existence of the remaster box and are under hush hush orders not to talk about Macross. hahaha On a serious note - Has anyone actually sent a message to Bandai Visual and got a actual response from them? I could try and ask them about it, if there response is pretty fast. I believe that what comes down to it is the quality of how a product is marketed. Don't forget it starts in Japan first. Macross Plus was a tremdous hit first domestically then internationally. Possibly HG cried wolf about it, but the demand to bring Macross Plus stateside was huge because of its reviews on the animation and story. Hence, BV giving ME getting their recognition and profits. I don't know if BW/BV were given the green light by HG or they sidestep them, but there wasn't any serious legal consequences stemming from it. If Macross Zero was a big hit like Macross Plus there would been a huge interest in getting it here in the states faster than most other anime. There could be numerous reasons why it is not here or in the future. I agree with sketchley, Macross is an intellectual property of BW/BV. They have control whether they want to add subtitles/dubs to their dvds among other things. I am sure if they wanted to they could distribute internationally on their own if they felt that distributing through a third company would not be attainable or profitable. BW/BV are probably aware there is a growing recognition of anime internationally, likely resulting in more anime being dub or sub in the future.
  24. Give me Max DYRL Blue VF-1S.!!!!! That will complete my entire Movie VF series, but will kill the rest of the competition
  25. If we start using the word yamato more frequently, I guess I can develop a yamato concise dictionary. hahaha! 1) Yamatoed 2) Yamatotionalized Feel free to add more terms with the meaning attached to it. If we get enough terms, then maybe we can send it to Yamato HQ. hahaha!
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