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Everything posted by jet660

  1. jet660

    Toynami Invasion

    Hi Guys, I went to a local hobby shop in LA to pick up my second Megahouse Mospeada Stick Ride Armor. Everything look the same, except it had a Toynami/HG sticker on it. So, I talked to the boss and found out that Toynami has exclusive distribution rights to Macross and Mospeada items entering the US. He mention to me that Toynami distributed the Ride Armors in mid-March, which was one month after Megahouse did in Japan. What Toynami is trying to do is to purchase all the rights to distribute the toys ahead of time and sync with the Japanese release date. This means you may possibly have Yellow Belmont and Bandai 1/55 Super Max and Hikaru VF-1As in your local hobby and anime shops around the same time it is release in Japan. Prices should be slightly below the Japanese retail. The boss also mention that Toynami will most likely slap their stickers covering the Japanese dist. companies to save money from redesigning the entire package as well as to save cost. Right now, the 2 Bandai VF-1As, VF-1J, VF-1S are confirm to be release during the summer. However, there should be more Macross toys coming in later this year. Here are the pics of the Toynami/HG sticker. P.S. There might be a possible delay with the release of the Toynami's Beta fighter this coming summer. Could be a connector or production problem.
  2. Orders are up at Hobbysearch for Yellow Belmont And it looks nice.......... http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10071334 http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10071334a5/20/5
  3. I think it really comes down to whether you are a impulsed or smart buyer. Granted we all want to have a larger disposable income to buy the things what we want. For me, I really like to complete a series or collection or that I really like, but I don't try to buy everything all at once. For example, it took me 5 long years to complete the Transformers Collection 0 to 21. Many of them I bought when I was in HK traveling. You think spending stuff in US is bad, try HK. Its like anime paradise for okatus. I nearly went broke everytime I visit there. I think as Americans we should be more smart in buy goods, whether it is toys or every common items. Things are not as cheap as it was in the 80's or 90's, but is should not deter us finding the best deals or waiting longer than usual if we put in the time to search and look for that we enjoy. Last week, I just found an R2 Macross DVD for $10 and Mac+ Int. version and original Macross VHS (JP verison) for $1 each. Last Dec, I visited NY and found the original DRYL Movie and Perfect Edition VHS for $1 each. I would say good things will come if you have the patience to let it come to you. Those who buy toys as an investment are going to be in for a disappointment. Rarely does any toy have any long term financial gain. Toys keeps me young at heart in this crazy and mad adult world.
  4. Thanks, just found it not to long ago. Specifically, the top inside flat. Studying too hard.
  5. Can anyone tell me what does the proof of purchase look like? I just checked my box and didn't see any other pieces of paper besides the instruction sheet.
  6. Hi Guys, For those in LA, I found out that the Macross F manga book must be special ordered. None of the locations I know had it (Santa Monica, Torrance, or Costa Mesa) It is not cheap compared to mangas sold in the stores. The clerk told me that this particular publishing company is a sub division of Shonen and has limited, if any, worldwide distribution. That is why it was hard for Graham to find it in HK. Bare in mind, it will take 2-3 weeks to arrive based on availability. Here's the photo of my purchasing order.
  7. Congrats Macrossman. Where did you get TV Pack. I haven't seen that for a few years
  8. Sith, You really got a nice collection in all those glass cases. It must must be your playroom. Just picked up my last toy for the TFC after 4 long years of collecting. Also, here is my small Zeon Figuration. P.S. Sure you can post your dead ipods here and we can roast marshmallows over them.
  9. Ohhh...love that blue psp! Where did you get that? Wanna trade for a black one?
  10. Right! Everything else including your kitchen sink!
  11. Your welcome! Thanks. This is a small portion of what I have took and should have more in the coming weeks. Show me some of your stuff too, miriya! P.S. I think we could have a photobook or something for our members to see though.
  12. Hi Guys, Since the original thread went into archives and is now closed, I would like to keep the spirit and tradition going. So post up your collection up Macross, Mospeada, Gundam, Votoms, Transformers and others up! Here's my Macross and Gundam audio, game, and visual collection so far! P.S. to Totoro242: Here's a cleaner version of what I got so far!
  13. Hi Guys, I ran into this website the other day. The information is abit sparse, but interesting none the less. What do you think about it? Do we actually have female users on Macross World? http://www.quantcast.com/macrossworld.com I also attached Robotech's rating as well. Very suprise by their rating though. http://www.quantcast.com/robotech.com
  14. FYI, Just looked at Lost and Found toys (btw great company ) Their prices list at $138.95 (no shipping) Bandai 1/55 J & S Chunky Monkey is $87.95 I may retire from buying yamatoes and bandai for a while.
  15. I'm suprise by the reaction that quite a few of us are planning to skip buying this after I posted the prices for it. It sad that the prices for the new (old) 1/60 lines cost more than when it first came out. I have to say this, but I feel Yamato is running in circles with us. They started with 1/72 to 1/60 to 1/48 and back to 1/60. I would like to ask Yamato who set up the price of this line and justify why we should pay it. The price doesn't make any sense to me when comparing with the 1/48th scale no matter how articulated and detail the new line is.
  16. Abit of info regarding to the prices for 1/60 vf-1 2002 version cost: 9,800 Yen ($95.68) w/o shipping (From HLJ price list) 2008 version cost: 12,800 Yen/ $125.08 USD ($118.80 w/ hobby search discount or $112.99 w/ overdrive discount) This does not include shipping price of $20-$30 Even though I like this version I might as well wait until the price drops a little down to buy them
  17. I finally found the ultra rare mospeada cd for LLA. Sadly, it is in Japan and cost an arm and a leg. http://www.rinkya.com/twview.pl?URL=http:/...ction/u20583929 Hey Saverobotech, can you get this one for me?
  18. A public hanging is in order #@$@$%
  19. A public hanging is in order #@$@$%
  20. the point was just to say that for playability, the 1/55s seem ideal. Woosh woosh blam blam an all VFTF1 reminds me the tootsie roll commerical (in Macross terms): how many clicks does it take to transform a bandai valk
  21. Thanks for the info. You got me beat at with your Mospeada and Southern Cross cds. Here's some of my macross audio collection awhile back (part 1 anyway)
  22. what is LLA victor number on the top right? By any chance, did Southern Cross CD set ever came out?
  23. My bad, I should have said 2 disc set. More info: The 2007 box info http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=XT-2435 No info on the ova The 2004 box http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=XT-1555 Does have the OVA, but sold out The individual dvd #6 does have the OVA http://www.animeondvd.com/reviews2/disc_reviews/1037.php I am trying to see if I can find a place to buy that dvd here in the states, so far no luck finding it at this time. I think Victor Records only release it during that period during the OVA release. I haven't heard anything of releasing it, but it maybe possible (highly unlikely) since there is a big demand for the toys.
  24. Here is some info on LLA, http://mospeada.gq.nu/photo5.html There is LP for it, but my guess its ultra rare to find it, but sometimes I run into these things. What do you think of the 3 disc set? Should I get it? Do you know if the jp mospeada box set have the LLA?
  25. That is why I lost interest in ebay due to people jacking up absurd bids
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