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Everything posted by jet660

  1. @ Keith - fixed it. Somehow I forgot to type in R2 Dvds. lol
  2. Watching bits and pieces of these bad boys! All R2 dvds or imported blu ray versions!
  3. It's official!!!! - Nexx custom VF-2SS is available for PO! Available this July! Comes with bits!!! https://www.hlj.com/product/evt57221
  4. @jvmacross - Unfortunately, I do not have Robotech The Movie OST. Here is the link that can provide you some information about it. http://robotech.patlabor.info/soundrobo.htm The complete Southern Cross Discography
  5. The complete Megazone 23 discography
  6. @ Zhou - From your statement - Would you considered these scenes as animation/filming errors or artistically part of the movie? Case in point - Head shot of Milia when first introduced. As I can recall, I don't think her head/helmet scene was ever sharp in any version DVDs or BDs I have seen. I can agree with you that the DVDs' resolution was much lower compare to the BDs and would not that obvious with the naked eye.
  7. Thanks technoblue for showing those scenes as well as mine. Some scenes are easier to see than others in static form. In regards to Perfect Edition DVD being windowboxed, I believe the video was compressed from the looks of it. I have the HD remastered limited DVD box set and I do not recall having it look like that. Will have to check the video ratio when I get home tonight. Also, I agree with nhyone. The out of focus scenes is most likely inherent due to the 35mm film stock they used for the blu-rays. This opens up another possible question whether these scenes were originally blurred during its theatrical run.
  8. One of the most obvious DNR/blur scene is when Hikaru is talking to Max and Kakizaki just before Kakizaki gets killed off. Kakizaki screen is blur when you compare to Max's. The movie's title card has red saturation which made it was difficult to see the actual kanji. This forced me to adjust my tv's color, sharpness, and contrast - which helped a bit Laser/gun fire, valk/enemy and missile trails stood out more on screen this time around. Did anyone notice that?
  9. Hi JB0, Yes, I still have it. Sealed in the baggie! Some of my boxes are pretty banged up over the years, but I still keep them for sentimental value.
  10. Thanks, Abbadon! FYI - Preorders for VF-4 @ HLJ is officially closed now.
  11. Just looked at my HLJ PO and found out they did an internal stop order on the VF-4. What does that mean?
  12. Thank you for all your replies. Being that these boxes are used, I took a risk having the discs possibly being thrashed or scratched up. Luckily (for better or for worse), having a thin crack on the discs is the only thing I see visible. @ The Shade - What kind of hub-friendly cases did you get?
  13. Hi Guys, I just recently purchase Animeigo's Macross Box 2 and 3 (both used) at F.Y.E this past weekend. I notice several of the discs' hub have a thin hairline crack on it. I know this forum has mention about the cracks before. The discs seems to play just fine right now, but I wonder about later on. Those who have the discs, did you put something over the hub (hub label) or leave it as it is? I will, most likely, replace the DVD covers with something more disc friendly. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  14. More to come later!
  15. More to come!
  16. Here is something to consider: Macross Blu-Ray Complete Edition Cdjapan: 45000 Yen = $562.22 ($15.62/Episode) Amazon Jp: 34,662 Yen = $433.28 ($12.03/Episode) If Bandai Entertainment ever decided to release the box set with English subs, would you consider paying at this price or even higher before shipping and other import duties? That is pretty high premium for a 30 year old anime. However, some people would consider it as an investment. Another thing I am seeing is that Bandai is putting in English subs for their new blu-ray anime (i.e. Yamato 2199) and leaving the older ones out (Original Space Battleship Yamato). If I buy one volume of Yamato 2199, I would be paying 1/4 or 1/5 of the original tv box set. That is equivalent to $25 to see one 25 minute episode of Yamato 2199. That doesn't make any sense to me. If Bandai was really savvy, they would both have English subs and affordable price points so that the general public (both domestic and international markets) can purchase them equally and fairly. Inconsistent price points is one of the factors why anime piracy is so rampant nowadays. Don't forget anime industry itself is niche. Because of that, its fan-base is small and limited in scale compare to other entertainment industries. Anime companies seem to be stagnant in what direction it wants to take given what limited resources they have. IF Japanese companies try to use their own pricing strategies in the international market to protect their own market, they would only hurt their revenue more than help it.
  17. Here some helpful advice : 1. Search the internet for subs 2. Invite a Japanese friend to watch it with you as your translator 3. Study Japanese (After all it is a Japanese Anime Cartoon were are watching ) I think a lot of us would benefit if we took a Japanese language class or two. Don't get me wrong, I think having subs are nice to have. Given recent history with this tv series, it is highly unlikely we are going to get any official English subs from Japan in the future. Most likely you will have to wait for an Animeigo BD version if it ever comes out.
  18. Happy to announce my Macross Blu-ray Box set has arrived! The Amazon jp shipping box was thrashed when it was dropped off. Thank goodness the box set had its own cardboard box and was in prestine condition. It took three days to get here Osaka - HK - US. Very odd way for a package to travel halfway round the world. So, I feel the pain some ppl will go through using DHL. Like Tochiro said, the picture quality looks great. You will notice the dirt and layering at certain while watching. There is minimum grain here and there, but does not distract the overall picture quality. However, the Macross Special (ep.1 and 2) does not look like it was remastered and the original episode 11 looks like it was copied from a VHS. The pachinko footage is pretty interesting to watch since it consists of short music clips. For the Macross Perfect Memory book, it is the Out 10 version and includes the SDF Macross poster in the back of the book. It is slightly smaller compared to the original one, but does fit nicely in box. The only complaint I have so far is the three inner jackets that holds the 6 blu-ray discs. Though the jackets are laminated, it still has a very cheap cardboard like feel. I think BV could have done better by having a mini box similar to regular edition or some sort of plastic case. Overall, I have to say I am very impress with the presentation of this wonderful box set. Some people will be turned away from it because of the lack of English subtitles and its price point, which I can perfectly understand. For me, buying this set was a worthwhile investment despite those shortcomings. I believe BV gave the best treatment for this 30 year old anime that we grew up with.
  19. Another lineart that is missing is the super vf-1a showing its landing gears (Pls correct me if I am wrong - Have to check that again). I think 98% of the gold book's linearts are in the design book. On a side note, I am surprise that there has been no effort in revising both books for the 30th Anniversary Edition. Having a mini-size gold book w/ a storyboard book included as part of the box set would make it an instant hit.
  20. The Macross DYRL 25th Anniversary Box set had almost all the movie mechanical and character drawings from the Gold Book. That is about the closest in terms of a scale down version of it.
  21. Here is the short CM for the box set: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7E49cs0QgY Love the box and poster(?) cover!! Enjoy!
  22. Haha, I don't know. Never hurts to ask, right? I am curious how many pre-orders do they currently have. It is currently their number one pre-order for their gaming section.
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