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Everything posted by sbantonelli

  1. Does this model have a clear eye like the Gurab kit?
  2. Wow, that looks very difficult and would drive me crazy! Thanks for all your hard work.
  3. I agree about the liberties, which is why I eventually ended up with the yellow submarine 1/100 kit. Still, it's a well done, very detailed kit.
  4. Man that's a good price, I got mine off Yahoo Japan and paid about 40% more. I've sat on it for a couple of years now, I like the smaller scales better. Do you have anything you'd like to trade for it?
  5. So are these models going to be available for purchase? I'll be really disappointed if they're not.
  6. Great call, I've always wanted one of these to go with my Garfish.
  7. No worries, it's worth the wait for your unique kits. I look forward to seeing your new stuff for 2014.
  8. Count me in for 1.
  9. Mine came today. It's an exceptional kit, thanks for your hard work!
  10. Congratulation! That's one of my favorite kits. As for you, PeterB, your Cat's Eye is the reason I never post pictures of mine. Curse you!
  11. Excellent news! Where did the ES-11B come from?
  12. You could count me in for one too.
  13. I love the reboot, especially the open helmet option!
  14. I hear you, Nothing beats spending time with your child.
  15. I don't care for it much either. The model is very angular and the proportions seem off, but for $20.00, I may just pick one up if I can "fix" it.
  16. Here's a second one that someone on rinkya bought for only 2000 yen. And here's another for sale. https://www.rinkya.com/en/auction-c402416171
  17. Excellent work! I like the pictures in the descending order of 2nd, 4th, 3rd, 1st. Good luck. Please post results after printing.
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