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Everything posted by Cdisdope

  1. Cdisdope

    Hi-Metal R

    How much are Glaug's going for in the U.S. (shipping included)?
  2. Cdisdope

    VF-1S DYRL Focker

  3. Cdisdope

    Arcadia YF-19

  4. Cdisdope

    YF 19 back

    From the album: Arcadia YF-19

  5. Yammie VF-1J Hikaru sold for 34,200 yen. CRAZY! http://page16.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/u67975086
  6. 1/60 Yamato VE-1 27550円 yikes http://page10.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/m121630154
  7. Cdisdope

    VF-1J with Super Parts

    For sale, pics
  8. Wow...check this auction out!!! A Yamato VF-1A Mass Production TV version going for 19,500 yen?!?! http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n131105780
  9. Just preordered 4 from hlj!
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