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Everything posted by Protoman

  1. After my first and what I believe will be my last PO craze, I can say while I'm not a rich man it did not seem worth it. Buggy sites, and potentially shady sellers were too much stress. Unless this figure turns out to be something crazy rare a hundred more when it's released and piece of mind doesn't seem like a bad trade off.
  2. Damn I have never been as conflicted as I am right now about buying a figure. If it was a half an inch an inch bigger bigger it would be an insta buy. Having just bought the shitty Toynami less than a year ago and also having its Tread not to mention their superposable it feels like a really expensive trade in.
  3. July according to their facebook page. Since they are doing Dana this way, I wonder if they will do Scott Bernard with removable Cyclone armor?
  4. Came to post this! I think it looks absolutely fantastic. Dana has been one of my most wanted figures and to see her done justice with and without armor is a dream come true.
  5. Question for those who have the Toynami Masterpiece Alpha and Beta. I no longer have my stand for the Beta. Does anyone know of any other stands which are readily available that will work?
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