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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Damn. I've got the Rick Hunter version and love it. I was really hoping they would have had super parts for the Max and Mirya .
  2. Agreed. I thought Miriya with the toon color Queadluun-Rau was another that could help push it.
  3. f Crazy it's taking so long. I have had the figure for awhile now. I ordered directly from Kitzconcept and got it in like 3 weeks.
  4. 3D print files for the Logan are now for sale. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-usUxCc158
  5. Damn. I'm going to go in for one. It's a little smaller than I would have liked for my collection but at this point 1.) Beggars can't be choosers. 2.) Who knows if and when someone else will step in.
  6. Whoever out there has a 3D printer could make a killing selling hover cycles for this baby.
  7. I'm still really confused about this figure. So the red box with cool art is a Crunchy Roll exclusive but it still says it comes with the armor. So, is there one figure or two? Edit: Two figures in one box confirmed. https://www.facebook.com/kitzconcept/videos/297364872957468
  8. I've always wanted a larger Legioss / Alpha. If this is better than the Evolution toy I'm in.
  9. Something about this has me digging it. It does look kinda "derpy" or imperfect but so did the toon most of time, and actually a lot of the models. I own the DX and I feel like this isn't trying to be that, and I'm okay with that. Count me in.
  10. I guess I'm a little confused with what they are showing with this figure. The un-armored version has white cloth under garments and the armored has black. So the figure comes with both? Is their precedent for a figure this size being able to remove a cloth costume?
  11. https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=599894398810373&set=a.499423388857475 While advertising their upcoming jet fire color scheme. A random update on their Dana Sterling came in the comments from this post. Apparently the figure is due out in April of next year and now has cloth under armor clothing.
  12. Got mine. Though I kinda wish I got the combo pack now because I don't want to take it off.
  13. Damnedest thing. I ordered from Hobby-Genki and was getting worried because I haven't heard from them and I got an alert from FedEx( which I thought was spam initially) and it shipped on two days ago.
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