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Everything posted by Aztek

  1. They can, someone posted a CG finger shot a while back in the fanworks section ... may have been on the old boards though ...
  2. I have orthographic front, rear, sides, top, and bottom scans. I even have a cutaway view showing wheel wells, arm stowage, etc. Lemme know what you need and pm me your email.
  3. It does look good doesn't it? hehe Look at that pylon attach fitting and leading edge rivits. Whew ... Don't wanna map THAT again.
  4. You should check out the fanworks section under the Mass CG project thread and post your questions there.
  5. No prob.
  6. I have a fine scale ruler, so maybe by tonight I'll get you the deminsions you need.
  7. ... ask and you shall recieve ... at least for today ... forgive the unfinished textures. The mesh is 95 percent done and the textures around 75. This is from one of my favorite box-art poses.
  8. This image is kinda blurry I can render some ortho views, piece by piece to use as templates if you need em. To scratch build 1/48 hands may be a pain. Here's a wireframe on how I store it in battroid mode. It gives more "real" space to store the hands in their real size without morphing. If I stored them in the "fist" position, like we are used to, they would look severely atrophied. (SP?) (Like Yammie 1/48 hands are proportionate anyway.) I think this may be a more realistic way to store the hands anyway. If I were an engineer trying to design this I'd want maximum size in minimum space. The "fist stow" is counter productive to this. Since the Yammie hands pivot rather than extend like the aniome shows, this design may still work for you, especially if the finger joints are movable. Notice that the back hand, wrist, fingers (all joints) have pivots. There is the opposable thumb and semi-opposable pinky pivots as well. The semi-opposable pinky is cannon as well since I took it right from the Design Works DYRL sketches. PM me if you do ...
  9. I have better scans and some screen grabs ... I used it to model my CG hands.
  10. Here's some refs ...
  11. On the subject of proportions ... Here's a collage of a few pics I used to get my refs ready for modeling. (I'm ASSuming) Most people are probably relating "proper" battroid proportions to the battroid in the pic, and the Hase fighter is now the "true" cannon fighter ref. The gerwalk is the bastard of the 3 xforms cuz it covers up the inconsistensies between fighter and battroid morphs and is generally not as big an issue as the other xforms. It seems as though people only care that the knee and hip joints have TONS of rotation. I used the battroid pic in the picture to "thicken" the Hase back, chestplate, arms and legs. What I wasn't going to compromise (too much) was the Hase nose. It was too beautiful a sculpt. I did eventually, and while I didn't shorten and "stubify" it like in the ref, I did widen it a bit (to match the chest), and enlarge the canopy ... more bubble, looks cooler. Rather than morphing objects or having seperate objects for the diff modes, I went the route of coming up with my own balance of beef and beauty. In the end it turned out looking like a less toyish 1/48. That's good right?
  12. LOL Masa, Macross was enough to get me "into" military aviation ... Best thing that ever happened to the Air Force, IMHO ...
  13. Hey all, I have been BUTTSLAMMED with tons of work and personal hangups. I haven't touched a plastic or CG valk since I've been back from England. We have alot of ppl deployed right now, about 40 or so 'Hogs around the world (A-10's for you non military types ). So manning is a lil slim at work. I haven't forgot about the movement. I've been silently hoping most of the people on the crew have been having similar issues. I'll get it cranking again soon, life permitting. Later Az
  14. For the record, I dug a lil ... but didn't find any info on my question .... Anyone know where to buy the new game?
  15. Awesome. I'm in business now. Thx!
  16. jwinges, So the fliptop/slide/swap disk combo DOES allow import ps2 games to be played??
  17. Here's a question for those in the know ... After reading this thread, here is where I'm at ... Will the best bet for a no modchip system be the ... *flip top cover *Neo chip USB *Swap disks My concern is will this config allow me to play my backed up VFX-2 games, as well as my current PS2 games and my soon to be purchased new Macross game for the PS2? I have a fair share of soldering experience. I used to work at a cable harness manufacturer, but the smallest gauge wire I worked with was 24. I used to crank out about 300 cables a day of 10 wire assys. I'm only concerned with the smaller wire size and close tolerances on the chips and such I'd fry something. Please let me know what you guys think is the best route. I like the idea of being able to "turn off" the chip if I'm trying to play legit games that detect modded systems.
  18. Nice figure DG, I envy the amount of time you have (or make?) for modeling ...
  19. Good eye DG, I didn't have the energy to pose that question ...
  20. ::nudge:: ... like it needs it
  21. Les or Mechmaster, Would it be possible for either one of you to export your lighting rig into a 3ds or prj (3ds mesh file)? I am currently working off DGs "worded" advice on how to configure the lighting. Maybe you could put a dummy object (ball) where the object would be and attach a render so I could try to match it in Max. I dunno. Help if you can!! Thanks.
  22. Looks good but it may need some more back light to accent some of the Monsters rear edges. Stars and moon reflections put out alot of ambient light. It may also help with the compositing when the 2d artists are clipping the renders from their backgrounds.
  23. The coolest gift I've ever recieved, I just got. My wife ordered me the Yammie ELINT and Super O for our anniversary. I didn't even ask for it. She went behind me in my emails and online "window shopping" to find out what it was I wanted. She finally found an email I sent to Valk Exchange and the rest is history. Kevin at Valk Exchange can verify this. Thanks Kev!
  24. RENDERER LIST Cinema4d - Mechmaster, LParisek Maya (Software /w/ faked Global Illumination) - Doktor Gonzo TrueSpace 6.6 - Brianw76 3ds Max 5.1 (Advanced Lighting/Renderosity) - Aztek
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