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Everything posted by crackpot

  1. Why would Bandai do this through BBTS? Bluefin is Bandai's distributor and their subsidiary. If anything, @BluefinBrands need to bring over the Macross stuff in the US for a wider distribution.
  2. Yes... 3 months ago.
  3. With Macross, even if they are mostly color swaps with head variations, you're completing the team lineup. Metal Build hasn't even completed any lineup of the main roster and has been all about variants.
  4. I read somewhere it's per Hot Toys' request those exclusive edition be ended. Hot Toys have poor customer service. Sideshow is a bully and seems to be the modern version of Harmony Gold. Perfect match. They should just marry each other. I hope other 1/6 companies rise up and are able to secure more licenses so it can give both Sideshow and Hot Toys a run for their money.
  5. Hmmmmmm... it was a TWE so it might be harder to find it for lower. Hope you find one though.
  6. Based on the Delta movie thread, the 29 is the more powerful machine compared to the 31s.
  7. A better color for the armor definitely.
  8. My bad for using the wrong punctuation at the end of my sentence. Should have been a question mark.
  9. Me thinking: "Hmmmmmmm... just because you have somebody's Metal Structure on display and showed off "your" gunpla that I would trust Netflix's production or their version."
  10. I'm surprised nobody here knows it's not really new. From another forum, they've determined it's Black Aces/Calibre Wings/ Whatever they're called.
  11. Ah, I see HG is already doing their own DX version.
  12. Add some wheels and it can pass off as a racing car. :P
  13. Eh... Endgame was weak for me. Tony's side is very understandable. He has moved on when the rest of the Avengers haven't. I think the writers shouldn't have placed a 5 year time skip. 1 year would have been the best or a few months. Either way, it's done and was handled poorly.
  14. I wouldn't blame Tony for it. He wasn't in on the plan until it was brought to him by Cap and the rest. He was content with what he had. Furthermore, it was the Hulk that snapped everybody back. Tony snapped Thanos away. I'll blame it more on lazy writing though. They could have people appear together in a certain spot for each planet rather than where they got dusted.
  15. Hahaaaaaaaa! The last name definitely but what about the first? Is it: - O T - O dash T - O to the T - Zero T - Zero dash T - Zero to the T?
  16. I find it funny that you have a bunch of costumed people and then there's one in civilian clothing. Who's the guy supposed to be?
  17. That was the original plan but I do believe that was already discarded as partly evidenced by Bruce's congratulations remark. IF the full Knightmare story does get made, I do wonder how they'll change the story to still give a reasonable explanation why everything is Bruce's fault.
  18. Macross Flashback was released post 1987 that's why it's on BW's banner of series. The video itself is available on their international YouTube channel. If HG has a say on that, wouldn't that video still be region locked? I do think it's the only way for the associated designs to be released internationally is if it's branded under Flashback.
  19. Macross Flashback technically shows the VF-1 and the characters from SDFM and DYRL, so can't it be as easy as branding any toy or merchandise as Flashback and HG won't have a say on it?
  20. Newtype is a new gender classification and Char wants every human to evolve into one by causing a nuclear winter on earth. Will he succeed or will his love for Amuro get in the way?
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