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Everything posted by crackpot

  1. Naaaaaah. You'll be just next in line to get screwed. You'll be NY's Slave IV-ever... ok, I'll see myself out.
  2. The item in question is an event only limited exclusive. These stores purchased them at retail pricing and had to pick them up during the event itself. Bandai doesn't have any return policy for these unless they are defective. A slight paint rub or less than perfect paint app doesn't make the product defective. They specify on their pre-order page as well that slight variations may occur between units and the actual product. Obviously, Bandai put that in to cover their asses for such minor paint blemishes. It's unfortunate and even I'd be bummed with it but in this case, it's sold as is. With that, you're expecting too much from the stores that sold these.
  3. When did the PO open for the missile reissue? In my mind, it has been up for a while now and FJ's limit on how many TWE orders they can place have always been on the lower side compared to other proxies.
  4. They've always had a limit to how many orders they can place for TWE. It just means somebody has placed their order ahead of you.
  5. At this point, unless proof is provided supporting claim of either side, it's all just an assumption whether it is or not popular with adults. I don't have any attachment to the Tomino/UC era or to these pokemon/yugioh-ish marketing Build Fighters. I'm more into the AU stuff and generally happy with the MB assortment. I say generally only because I would like Bandai to at least complete a lineup of the main characters in any of the series they have released so far.
  6. True that. Maybe you're just being modest and did get one for every known retailer out there. Tell us your secret and share the wealth.
  7. Lol! Just out of curiosity, did you hit all the POs and got one from each retailer? (Mykombini, HLJ, Amiami, CDJapan, more?) No need for you to worry about orders reopening while you're asleep.
  8. Exactly. Just because they were able to deliver the 31A it doesn't mean they're to be excused of their other shitty practices like some tout them as if they're that awesome and reliable. They're in the retail business and there are expectations which most of them aren't really absurd or too demanding. Expectations that are just the norm like delivering in a timely manner. Sure it's above and beyond they filled the 31A orders which it wasn't their fault since Bandai shorted everybody. But what about not shipping products on time that don't have shortages? Case in point the Dairugger XV. There are customers that haven't received them from NY even though the US has shipped out theirs. It's not just on this one occasion also. What about them buying other stores's pre-order stock just to sell them at a higher price? These people could have gotten them from those stores at the PO or retail price but NY bought them to price gouge. But hey, they delivered the 31A and will deliver even if that's slow so they're good, right?
  9. This ^ It takes a lot of willpower to do this especially if it's something you like and it's hard especially when one gets desperate. Isn't Play Asia located in HK? I wouldn't be surprised if they decided not to fulfill pre-orders and instead sold them at scalper prices but that's assumption on my part.
  10. It seems back up again. Does P-Bandai have a habit of canceling orders if somebody ordered more than they're allowed to? Either way, I don't see a 3rd round happening. This 2nd batch seems to have lasted a lot longer.
  11. Bandai being Bandai. Milk it until blood comes out (from our wallets).
  12. I've ordered from them once a P-bandai before and they delivered.
  13. Some are available for purchase now but prices are still high and I haven't found one that will ship to the US.
  14. Here. As cheap as it gets: https://mykombini.com/en/june-2020/16700-gundam-fix-figuration-metal-composite-wing-gundam-snow-white-prelude-bandai-limited.html
  15. They might cancel that because I think they met their quota.
  16. Glad to see it's in my private warehouse not a fluke.
  17. It's still up. I do hope it's not a glitch even with the email confirmations. :/ I'm wondering how some got 2. Because there's a limit of 1 per person. It didn't allow me to check out when I mistakenly added 2.
  18. Thank you guys! Finally!
  19. Probably not a lot are aware of it? The announcement did come abrupt.
  20. It just means somebody got it ahead of you.
  21. I hate HLJ's system where they still make you log in on checkout.
  22. I'm thinking most likely it's from the 1st batch. They probably can't order anymore for the 2nd batch.
  23. Kuramatoys has it up for $250. WTF? When did they join the scalping business?
  24. I used them before for the VF-1 missiles. That went well but that's just one transaction.
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