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Everything posted by crackpot

  1. Not a bad thing too since most of the time most women seem to have less need of periods of immobility and duration to recharge after spending all those "GN paricles." Setsuna would easily go from "I am Gundam" to "I am gonna die" if it weren't for the required cool down period.
  2. That's interesting. Which Gold Frame? The country of production came into mind as well with all these tabbing issues. Bandai's made in Vietnam products seem to have issues from what I have read.
  3. Both are up at BBTS: https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/186891 https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/188189
  4. I was actually waiting for a US retailer to put it up for preorder that I ended up forgetting about it. I hope it's not a Storm webstore exclusive.
  5. The wings aren't that massive and with the right material, it can still be light enough for the torso to support it. The same goes for Orochi's extra arms. I'm sure they could have found a way to support them. I'm thinking maybe they didn't want the body markings to be ruined so they decided a one piece torso. Jin's flying kick just looks weird without some tilt from the torso.
  6. The blue seems more vibrant in these photos. Hopefully it's just the result of lighting.
  7. I'm betting it's the special stand making this box larger than it's supposed to be.
  8. All depends where you're located in the US and where you order from. If you're in a state that doesn't charge sales tax like Oregon, then it can end up cheaper.
  9. Kinda expensive https://www.navitoworld.com/products/dx-chogokin-bandai-macross-series-vf-25-messiah-valkyrie-worldwide-anniv
  10. One name: Roy
  11. I know, right? But I think it may also be that a good number has preordered from the usual import stores plus it's a non-canon variant that some may not care for. The real test is when a canon valk goes up for preorder, let's say Arad's 31AX. When that happens, I do hope most people will preorder locally or get their doubles locally at least. It's gonna take a lot of will power to say no to JP preorders but that's how it's gonna be if we want to keep this going. I'm not saying Bandai will stop supplying Macross DX and HMR overseas but most likely we might not get the good and exclusive stuff locally if sales don't pan out. Let's hope for the best.
  12. I think they will take note if enough people buy from their own region. If majority still get their fix from Japan directly and leaving stock elsewhere unsold, it might not fare well for us.
  13. Before the listing was pulled down, the description stated it was blue to symbolize the earth and its worldwide release.
  14. Worldwide distribution. Blue skull deco VF-25 with matte finish https://sp.tamashii.jp/item/13806/
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